season 5

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maddy pov
(Stiles and Scott are sitting on the hood of the Jeep at Look-Out Point as they look up at the full moon overhead)
Stiles: You alright? You starting to feel it?
Scott: No. Just thinking...
Stiles: About what?
Scott: Senior year.
Stiles: [scoffs] Senior year? Come on, that's-that's nothing. That's going to be easy.
Scott: It's more like something Deaton told me once. You ever hear of "regression to the mean?"
Stiles: No, I don't think so...
Scott: It was his way of saying that life can't ever be all good or all bad. You know, eventually things have to come back to the middle. So, think about the last few months. Things have been good, right? But not amazing.
Stiles: Yeah, but no one's tried to kill us in six months, either...
Scott: Right. We've been pretty much in the middle for awhile. Which means... at some point, the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are going to get really good again...
Stiles: ...Or really bad.
(Scott and Stiles are debating with Liam about whether or not to unchain him from the tree)
Scott: [to Liam] It's not that we don't trust you--
Stiles: [interrupts] --It's that I don't trust you--
Scott: --But after that last full moon...
Liam: [defensively] It was one slip-up!
Stiles: Slip up? A dozen calls to the Sheriff's Department about a "monstrous dog-boy" running around the streets of Beacon Hills-- naked?
Scott: [confused] Why were you naked?
Me :i wanna know the same thing
Liam: [exasperated] It was really hot out that night, okay? Let me go! then i walk out of the jeep and talk to scott and stiles
scott i think yall should let him go:i said
thank you :liam said
shut up liam and that doesnt means you should run around naked in the woods:i said
At the hospital
No ones pov
(Scott and Liam are at the hospital, where Scott is getting ready to leave)
Scott: Show me your hands.
[Liam holds out his hands, which are clawed up from trying not to transform during the full moon]
Liam: [defensively] Okay, so I'm still having trouble...
Scott: [calmly] No. You're still learning. What do you do to stay focused on not changing?
[liam points to me
Liam: But it's working but everytime she tried to calm me down i want to kiss her
Scott: It's working enough. Listen, Derek told me that you were one of the strongest that he'd ever seen at your age. Now, coming from him, that means a lot. It maybe means that things are gonna be harder for you for a while, but it also means something else, doesn't it?
Liam: [confused] That I'm really strong?
Scott: [smiles] Hell yeah.
A few hours later
(Mason has just shown Liam and maddy an old bestiary he has obtained)
Mason: This is the one I was telling you about. I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany. Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it.
Liam: [nervously] You're still reading about this stuff?
Me: look mason this stuff is really old just leave it alone
Mason: [scoffs] look i was attacked by an armour-plated giant wearing a bear skull! It left an impression. Look. Look!
(Mason shows Maddy and liam a drawing of a Berserker in the book)
Mason: Have you ever seen anything like this?
Liam: [lies] Uh, no! Never.
me:i never seen a thing like that
Mason: And then there's this whole section about the Nahual. Have you ever heard of the name Tezcat...
Liam: Tezcatlipoca? (Mason looks at him questioningly, and Liam plays dumb)No. No, never heard of him.
Me:(in my mind) omg
Mason: Look, I'm not saying I believe all of it one-hundred percent, but people around us seem to know things. Like Lydia? She knows things.
Liam: Dude, it's the first day at school. Shouldn't you be thinking about other things, like...
(He looks around and sees a group of male athletes walking toward the field)
Liam: Like the soccer team?
Mason: [sarcastically] What do you think I'm going to do? Follow them out to the field and watch them practice while I pretend to study?
Liam: It's warm out-- they're probably going to be shirtless.
me:then i'll go with him
(Mason looks up to see a soccer player checking him out and starts leering at him)
Mason: ...I'll see you in physics.
(then maddy follows)
liam:no no babe u not following him because if u follow him i think you dont want to be with me
Night time
Stiles and Liam have followed Theo out into the woods]
Stiles: I told you he was up to something!
Liam: We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom. He better be high or covering up mass murder!
Stiles: What? What's wrong?
Liam: I forgot I was supposed to meet Mason at the school gym.
Stiles: Okay, why didn't you just tell him?
Liam: Tell him what?
Stiles: Anything.
Liam: I can't just tell him anything.
Stiles: [confused] Why not?
Liam: Because I haven't... I haven't told him everything.
Stiles: Still? We said it was okay.
Liam: Yeah, I know, but it's not that easy. It's a lot to accept.
Stiles: [exasperatedly] He watched my dad blow up a Berserker with a landmine! I think the groundwork's been thoroughly laid for acceptance.
(Liam looks at him nervously, and Stiles sighs)
Stiles: Scott and I have been through this, okay? More than once. It's always been better when they know.
Liam: But what if he freaks out? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he tries to stab me with something silver? Or what if--
(Suddenly, a loud thud is heard, and Stiles turns back around to find Liam has fallen into a large hole)
(then stiles see maddy coming towards them)
stiles:maddy what u doing here
maddy: i followed you here
liam : why babe
(then they see theo )
theo:he stiles babe
(then liam was about to attack him)
Theo: [about Liam] Whoa! Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he looks?
Stiles: Only when we let him off his leash.
Theo: You know, Stiles, I came back here for Scott. But, I also came back here for you and maddy Someone like you two .Someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that, but Scott does. You and maddy do. I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be part of this pack.
(Scott has found Stiles and Liam and maddy in the woods, the former of whom is embarrassed to be caught tracking Theo)
Scott: Find anything?
Stiles: Nope.
Liam: I fell into a hole...?
Scott: Stiles...?
Stiles: Yes, okay, we followed him out here. What do you want me to say? That I'm a stalker? Huh? That I'm crazy? Totally paranoid? None of this is new information.
Scott: [gently] Now you're gonna try to at least give him the benefit of the doubt?
Stiles: [frustrated] I give people the benefit of the doubt! I've given a lot of benefit to a lot of people.
Scott: Like Derek? ...Kira? ...Liam?
Stiles: I was right about Peter. You know, I bet you still think there's something about him that can be saved.
Scott: [shrugs] Maybe. [He pauses] Why can't you trust anyone?
Stiles: [loses his temper] Because you trust everyone!
Maddy:stiles! are you ok
maddy at home and liam at the school)
Liam: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Mason: Oh, no. You're not late. You missed it. I worked out... for two hours.
Liam: Yeah, I know. I forgot.
(Mason rolls his eyes)
Liam: And I'm gonna tell you why. Actually, I'm gonna tell you a lot of things. A lot of really hard-to-believe things. Really hard to believe.
(Mason has become distracted by something behind him. It's a black wolf)
Mason: [scared] There's a wolf...
Liam: Yeah, I'm getting to that--
Mason: No, there's a wolf right behind you.
[Liam turns around and gapes in shock when he sees it]
Liam: That's a wolf!
the next day
(Mason and Liam and maddy are staring at Brett while he plays lacrosse with some friends. Mason, seeing that he's shirtless, starts to leer at him while Liam scowls in annoyance)
Mason: So, he's a werewolf too?
Liam: Yup.
maddy:And he hot while shirtless
Mason: [smiles] This just gets better and better.
(Liam, Brett, and maddy ,Mason have found the hole in the woods that they believe Liam fell into the previous night)
Mason: Liam, I thought you said this was a sinkhole.
Liam: It's a hole. What's the difference?
Mason: I mean, look at all these handprints, and look at all this dirt.
Brett: She didn't fall in here...
Liam: ...She was buried.
Mason: [nods] Intense.

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