Season 5 (part2)

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Parrish continues to flip the cards, only this time he goes from a Queen of Diamonds to a burned Queen of Diamonds, and it's revealed that he has two cards.

He remembers more of the dream. There are bodies all around the nemeton. And as he sits down, he starts to burn. There are flames all around the nemeton and the dead. Parrish touches his forehead with both hands, like he's stressed, and then his eyes glow, and he looks up calmly.

At the sheriff station,  is in holding while  and  have been fighting downstairs. He bangs on the bars to be let out. "C'mon Gabe, let me out! Come on!" Donovan says, calling to one of the deputies. The Dread Doctors approach the cell. They unlock the door without touching the card reader.

, ,  and  run into the sheriff station. They see blood on the floor, and Scott rushes in.  is already trying to get to his feet when Scott rushes to help him. Stiles sees  and Lydia in the office, with Lydia bleeding badly. Theo pushes past him and uses his belt as a tourniquet on Lydia's torso. Deaton walks in and covers Tracy's severed tail with his coat.  is safe and comes back up from the basement, horrified and nearly in tears. She sees Lydia and runs to her side. Stiles has been staring at Lydia this whole time. It takes Scott a few tries to get his attention. Theo and Lydia both tell Stiles that it's going to be fine, and she tells Stiles to go save Tracy.

There are already ambulance sirens in the background. Stiles helps his dad follow Scott and Deaton down to the basement. They find Malia standing over Tracy's body. "It wasn't me," she says. Scott glowers and asks what happened. Malia explains that there were three people in masks. She insists to Stiles that she didn't kill Tracy, and he tries to calm her down.

Deaton points out that Tracy isn't changing back to human. "We're going to need to get her out of here." "Absolutely not," the Sheriff responds. "This is a crime scene. We call the coroner." Deaton narrows his eyes. "I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail." The Sheriff replies he doesn't care. Deaton says he should unless he's prepared to hold a press conference announcing the existence of the supernatural. The Sheriff is clearly unhappy with this, but Stiles agrees with Deaton. Scott tries to play the middle suggesting that at the clinic they might be able to change her back, so they can call the coroner to see something he'll be fit to evaluate.

"There is a line that we have to draw," the Sheriff stammers. Stiles points out that they've already crossed that line multiple times. Deaton pleads with the Sheriff to let him help. He caves, and Scott picks Tracy up.

In the Doctors' secret lab, Donovan is strapped down to a table. They manhandle him.  declares, "His condition looks promising."  then grabs a set of pliers and rips out three of Donovan's teeth. He grows  teeth on his own after that.

Lydia is at  being taken for surgery. Her mom is wheeling her right by her side. Lydia begs her mother not to talk about what she saw. Natalie replies, after a moment of hesitation, all she saw was "some lunatic girl trying to kill everyone". Lydia repeats she can't tell anyone.

Scott and  burst into the hospital. Liam is telling Scott about what he found in the woods and confirms that Tracy was buried alive, then crawled out. They found a second hole, but Liam doesn't know who was buried in that one. He thinks they need to find out, though.  comes out to tell Stiles, Scott, Kira, Theo, and Liam that Theo's tourniquet probably saved Lydia's life. Stiles doesn't say anything to Theo, but he acknowledges the good Theo has done for them. Lydia is about to go into surgery, so Melissa asks if there's any supernatural details they need to know about or do they just treat Lydia like a wounded human. Kira informs her that Lydia was cut with Tracy's tail.

Malia insists that it wasn't just Tracy, there were guys in masks. Stiles and Scott look torn between being worried and not believing her. In the operating room, Melissa asks Lydia to count down while they knock her out. As Lydia starts to go under, she hears the sounds of the Dread Doctors and starts to see them.

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