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Chris' POV

I held Kayla in his arms as she cried. I had accepted the fact that  we probably couldn't have children. I had forgiven her for lying to me for so long. I understood. I would never force her to go through the pain of a miscarriage all over again.

"I got my IUD removed." She said.

"When are you getting it back?"

"I'm not. Chris we're going to have a child. I believe God is going to bless us with a beautiful bundle of joy. I've done a lot of thinking and talking to him. I know I can do this for us." She said to me.

"I don't want you to put your life at risk for this. There are other ways." He pleaded. She smiled pulling me to her. With both hands on the sides of my face she planted a kiss on my lips.

"I'm giving you a daughter or a son no matter the cost. I'm going to be a mother. I'm tired of being the sexy rich aunt."

We both laughed.

"I love you."

"I love you more beautiful."

Makayla's POV

After a while Chris made his way back to the bedroom. I began cooking dinner. My phone rang and I answered.

"What's up Rae?" I answered.

"I'm pregnant." She said. I could tell by the tone of her voice congrats we're not in order.

"Why are you not excited Rae? I'd die to be pregnant."

She sighed. "I know sis. I've always imagined a child with Micah, a perfect little family. I never imagined I'd be carrying a child at the same time as my husband's mistress." I paused to process that.

"If history doesn't repeat itself my name isn't Makayla," I shook my head. "Micah was born from a impregnated mistress. She and our mom were pregnant at the same time. She had Micah didn't let dad in the hospital or anything. He didn't know if he'd ever get to meet Micah, but once she healed she dropped Micah right off at our front door and he never heard from her again until our senior year of high school."

I heard her sniff. "So that would explain why Lisa wants Micah to take care of the baby or she has threatened to end the pregnancy."

"I'll end her life." I said before I could catch myself.

"Tell me the time and place. I'm there." Rea assured me.

"Rea I won't expect you to handle this situation like my mom. There's no way I can understand the strength it takes to be in your place right now. Just know, no matter what, I'm going to support your decision."

"Thank you Kay. I have a lot of thinking to do. You just keep getting more nieces and nephews. You okay? I know you're sensitive about pregnancy."

"Yes, I'm great actually. I got my IUD removed a few days ago. Chris and I are trying to get pregnant."

"Oh shitttt. Hurry up hoe. I want our kids to flip that school upside down together."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"I have to go cook my husband dinner Rae. I'll talk to you later." She kissed her teeth.

"You tryna get prego sis. You are dinner. Go serve that man."

Before I could even reply, she hung up. I just shook my head laughing.

I'm glad I became close to Reagan in the last few years. Her crazy is a perfect match for mine.

A Love for the Books: Nerdy Love Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now