Why Did I Get Married

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McKenna's pov

"Marry you" by Bruno Mars played as the guys walked in one by one. I recognized Dawson, from my high school, he had two other groomsmen, and Miguel was his best man. I didn't recognize any of her bridesmaids.

We all stood, and turned to watch the bride enter. She stood at the tall doors of the church, smiling down the isle. Her fathers' arm was wrapping in hers. She was honestly beautiful.

"Close the doors." She mumbled. Everyone looked around confused as the doors closed back, and she was out of sight. We looked up at Drew.

He was just as shocked as us. He stood there not knowing what to do. One of her bridesmaids finally walked up.

"Please wait here everyone I'll see what's wrong." She said before walking out.

Gradually, everyone sat down.

Five minutes went by, then 15, and next thing I know an hour went by.

Some woman stood up.

"If you all would like to mingle until the service begins, you are welcomed to." She said.

No one moved at first, but after a few minutes we got to moving. I found myself at window looking at the beautiful view.

Makayla, Courtney, and Reagan surrounded me.

"This is crazy." I mumbled.

"Well, maybe sis came to her senses. I should have stood Micah cheating ass up." Reagan shook her head.

"Exactly. Sometimes I have to ask myself why I got married in the first place." Courtney agreed.

"I love my husband." Makayla shrugged. We all stale faced her.

"I love Dominic with every part of my heart, but I swear sometimes I wonder what I'm doing." I admitted.

Dominic's pov

"You straight fam?" I asked Drew. He nodded, dapping me up then Lucas, Micah, and Chris.

"She just needs some time. She's coming back." He told us. We nodded, but awkward silence followed.

"While she thinking, you need to be thinking. Shit, marriage might not be for you." Micah said. Drew looked at him like he was crazy.

"She's the one nigga. I love this woman with every thing in me. I want to spent every second of my life with her." Drew told him.

I found myself starring at McKenna, who was halfway across the room. I love McKenna with everything in me. She's always had my whole heart, I know I've always had hers. Our bond is forever.

"You just as spring as buddy over here." Miguel motioned to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Damn, let me be in love. I love my wife." I shrugged.

"I love my wife too, but damn. You been sprung for too long. Do y'all even argue anymore?" Lucas asked.

"She tries to argue with me sometimes. I give her the act right, and she go on about her business." I shrugged.

A Love for the Books: Nerdy Love Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now