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Dominic's pov

"Babe. Baby..."

McKenna shook me gently.

"Yes?" I groaned, refusing to open my eyes. I was exhausted.

"We over slept. It's almost noon." She told me. My eyes popped open, I glanced at the clock. It was true. I looked over at her.

"Damn... maybe if I got some kind of sleep last night. I would have been woke up." I joked. She laughed, turning to face me. I smirked down at her, and she smileback up at me.

"Maybe I need to throw it back like that more often." She climbed on top of me. I grabbed her waist, and she leaned down placing her lips on mine.

"Ma! What's up? No school?"

McKenna rolled off of me, and we both looked up at Cody. He was really unfazed. After all this time, you'd think we learned how to lock a door.

"No, no school today Cody." She said.

"Well, can we go to sky zone pleaseeeeee?" He asked. She looked at me. I knew she was transferring his question.

"Go wake your sister up and help her get ready. Sky zone here we come!" I smiled.

He cheered, running out of the room.

"I guess we have to get dressed." She mumbled.

"Shower quickie?" I suggested. She bit her lip as she nodded.


"Ice cream!" Katie exclaimed as soon as she saw me walk into the kitchen. She had on her favorite pink tutu with a black Polo shirt and her black and pink Jordan Retro 7s.

Cody on the other hand had on black Tommy Hilfiger loafers with khaki shorts and a black Tommy Hilfiger collar shirt.

Micah gotta stop buying my kids all these logos.

"I'm not having this discussion with you today." McKenna said to her.

"You did tell her she could have ice cream for breakfast if dad is here to give it to her." Cody said. Sounds just like something she would say.

Kate nodded and pointed at me, "Ice Cream." I turned to McKenna.

She simply walked to the freezer. She pulled out the ice cream and put a scoop on top of Kate's waffle.

I sat at the table and she placed my plate in front of me. She grabbed her own plate and took her seat beside me.

"So how is school Cody?" I asked.

"Fine. I had a problem, but Uncle Micah told me to beat him up. Problem solved." Cody shrugged.

"What?" McKenna and I both gasped. We exchanged a look before turning our attention back to him.

"Your teacher did not tell me you were in a fight." McKenna said. Cody looked down.

"You gave them Uncle Micah's number?" I asked he nodded slowly.

"Little boy. I don't even know if you deserve sky zone." McKenna said. I laughed.

"Calm down babe. Of course he deserves sky zone. Some lil boy had him messed up, and he handled it." I told her. She looked at me for a second before deciding to accept it. I turned back to Cody.

"Good job. Just let me know next time. I'm your dad, not uncle Micah." I told him.

"Yes sir." He nodded and began eating. "How's it going at grama's" I asked Katie. She smiled.

"She cooks me cake, and banana pudding." Katie smiled, and so did me and McKenna. We all finished our food and headed to sky zone.

McKenna's pov

"Make sure they're in the bed before nine, and please don't let Katie convince you to give her any sugar." I begged my mom.

"Honey you know I've raised children before right?" She joked. I laughed relaxing. I was really so stressed because Dominic and I were on the way to a date, the first one in months.

"Yeah mom." I laughed lightly. She smiled.

"You look beautiful baby, so much like your momma."

I winked, "I know." She laughed, escorting me to the door. Where Dominic stood in his all black suit. He grabbed my hand and we were off to the restaurant.

Dominic starred at me admiring from across the table, and I got butterflies in my stomach. He still makes me nervous when he looks at me like that.

"I love you. I know I work a lot, and I know it gets to you, but you and our kids are the most important thing to me and I never want you to forget that." He said.

"I know that Domi. Sometimes I just feel like I need more." I admitted. He was confused, I could tell in his face.

"More kids?"

"Nooo." I answered a little to assertively. "I need more out of life. I was not made to be a housewife." I told him.

"You tryna tell me something McKenna?" He asked. He was on the edge of his seat then, and I regretted saying anything. "You chose that role. You're supposed to be a writer. Where's the book or whatever?"

"Babe I didn't mean it like that. I love our kids, and I love you. You have to understand where I'm coming from. I've always been the top of everything, and now I'm nothing."

"Ok McKenna. I don't know what you mean, but if you're tryna leave just let me know." He said.

"You know I'd never leave my kids."

"I don't. You left our son for a whole year to go to college."

"You did too!" I yelled. Quiet surrounded us, and I was embarrassed. I had drawn too much attention. Our server appeared and handed Dominic our bill. We left the restaurant in silence, and drove home in silence. I walked into the bedroom to see Dominic taking a pillow and blanket out of the closet. He walked out with a word.

I walked into the bathroom a tears poured from my eyes. We had been married for 7 years, and never had we not slept in the same bed, and if we were in different cities, we slept on FaceTime. I knew I had fucked up.

A Love for the Books: Nerdy Love Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now