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I realized something about myself recently and I think I sort of understand why I write the way I do. My nickname, or username, on many platforms is "Incon", short for inconsistent (not in a derogatory way though). I knew I was an inconsistent person, I just didn't know why. Lemme try to explain.

I discover a new or different concept that I haven't heard of, get really, really good at it in a very short amount of time by trying to see it as simple as possible. I might get a lil involved with the community or whatever. Maybe for a couple months, maybe for a couple weeks or days (or in Portal's case, years). And then, after I've settled in, I lose interest completely, and dip.

If I was as self-aware a year ago as I am now, I would have totally dropped Portal. Without question. But back then I had an incentive. I wanted to satisfy my readers so badly that I pushed myself to try to write as much as I could, despite how totally uninteresting it was for me.

I went through a few phases just before my last account was lost. It was basically just me saying something about how stupid I was "back then" and how much better I am "right now". But it happened every like 3 months, so it was like I was just regurgitating the same stuff over and over. And each time, I always said to myself that it was just because I was maturing, or because of puberty or whatever. But I get it now. The mystery's been solved. It's not puberty. It's literally just my personality.

And honestly, I'm proud of it.

FYI, I am not discontinuing any stories or anything like that. I will still update from time to time, I swear. Just know that consistency isn't really my thing.

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