Connie&Keiko-Chapter two

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Narrators POV:
Ahh, Oh! I see you have came back, well I hope the first chapter gave you a little warm up now it's time for the meeting of Connie and Keiko. These two are awkward but have Disliking towards each other, let's see what Diana and Suga has to say about it!
She had just woke up from a nap, it had been a rough night since she was a light weight when it came to alcohol. When you drink you usual have a hangover and a massive headache but not for Diana she just was born that way. For her she was perfectly normal and felt great only thing is, she won't remember ever even touching a drink. Her brain just makes up another story to trick her but she's already figured out why that happens and knows she's been drinking. She walked out of room and knocked on Suga's door, "Aye Cat boy...come on our 'roommates' are coming today!" She didn't get a answer so she busted in the door.

She gave a annoyed look and sighed loudly. Suga had been laying on the ground naked and a pillow over his face. "This dipshit....Hey fucktard get up we have people to meet!!" She Shouted and threw some clothes at him and rolled her eyes. "Wha- Oh hey DC what are you doing here?" Suga Said rubbing his eyes and yawning, he burped and the room started to smell like vodka. "Get dressed we have to get the others who will be living here..." She Stood there And gilded her arms. "Okay Ms.Cranky" He smiled and pushed her out of the room, locking the door.

He put in his clothes on pretty fast and dashed out the room, brushing his teeth and washing his face. He noticed Diana had already cleaned herself up, Her Hair was in a ponytail as she had on a big sweater, shorts and...
"Slippers?" He asked as she pulled the bottle of water from her lips. "Uh yea, who am I trying to impress?!" She kinda of Shouted since she hates People judging her. "It's all good DC, no one cares anyway..." He smiled and grabbed his keys ready to leave out. Diana sighed and began to float, she was still a little sleepy.

Outside the school:
"Okay Keiko you can do school no problem. You don't know anybody here who could be a pro-" He got push as a girl with long blondish-Brown hair smirked with a evil laugh looking at him. "Get a move on Kiko!" He Growled And shook his head. He knew who that was because of how many times she gets coffee a day. "Shit it computer girl!" He chased after her as she ran through the campus, Keiko was a smart kid and was a little quirky.
Name: Keiko Taygo
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Youkai
Sexuality: Confused
Personality: Awkward, sometimes brave, Famous, Quirky, a strategist.
Height: 5'8
Nickname: Koko
Sinner or Saint: Saint
Raising up His glasses and rubbing his eyes Keiko stopped and panting. Trying to grasp onto some air, someone bumped into as he looked up. It was The same girl from before but with a scared look on her face. "Hey...What's..wrong with you?" He asked placing his hand on her shoulder. Still catching his Breath, he looked up and noticed to people in front of them. "Their auras...they stink of Evil, power and Courage, just like a villains!" The smaller girl whispered. "Is that-" Before he could finish his sentence Suga smiled and starting speaking. "Oh man, Keiko! I haven't seen you since we were like...10!" Suga Laughed but then stopped looking down. "This your girl friend?" The other girl blushed and shook her head.

"Helllllll Noooo! Keiko is a jack ass and doesn't deserve someone as Perfect as me!" Connie flipped her hair and smiled. Diana came from behind Suga and Looked at the girl, her Devilish grin made Connie shake and back away. "Awww is the perfect Princess scared? You should be..." Connie shallowed her spit from her horrid stanch. "Y-your Aura R-Re-Really stink.." Every stopped even Suga and Keiko. "Well I am the Daughter of hell! What did you except? A prettt little kitty like yourself? Or maybe a prince in shining armor?" Diana was obviously mad and by now the only who could calm her down was Suga.
Name: Connie Sona
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Computer Glitch
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Bubbly, doesn't know when to quit, Somwhat annoying, always is there for her friends, and Never backs down from a fight.
Height: 5'6
Nickname: Baka, Computer, Glitchy
Sinner or Saint: Saint
Suga stepped in front of Diana and held his arm out, "Bite down..." She slowly Bite his arm. The veins form her face popped out more, as her body began to calm itself. Suga didn't mind the mind since it'll heal In less then 2 minutes. Diana took a deep breath and smiled slightly "sorry about that, call me Diana...Glitchy" Connie had been glitching out like a computer malfunction. She always did this when she was nervous or scared. "I'm C-Connie Sona, s-so I guess you two are o-o-our roommates?" She Said still shaking. "Yea, well we will take you to the dorm!" Suga smiled and winked at her. Even for her to like girls she still blushed.

Now inside the building:
While watching everything he thought it would be better if he stayed back with Diana to get to know her more. While Suga tried to calm Connie's nerves, "So your the one and only Diana Crown? You have to be really popular then!" Keiko Said Nervously rubbing his head. Observing the girl he liked her pale-grayish skin color and pretty Red Eyes. He knew she was bad news but didn't really care since they had to share a dorm together. "Yea...what's is to you dipshit?" She smirked and floated up to his height, she looked into his violet purple eyes. The glare from his glasses have some more Dimension to his face. "While I've read about you in magazines and saw you in the tv with your Father, I find you pretty cool!" Keiko smiled, his fanged Teeth seemed to impress her.

Diana floated in front of the boy and while her head to How much he knew about her. Although almost everyone knew about her little game, "You know your stuff pretty boy! So tell me about yourself." Diana said Pushing What she called bangs aside. "Well, I haven't formally introduced myself My Name is Keiko Tayogo and I'm a Youkai! I'm 18, 5'8 And oh yea, my and Suga are child hood friends. He use to be so cool but it seems like he has calmed down a lot..." He looked off out the window. Thinking about old times when he and Suga played in the Fairy Maids Mansion. He smirked and looked back at Diana "How about you?" He said winking. "Well first, the nickname 'The Daughter of hell' came when my Power Hell-Fire Came. Since I'm 1 Of 9 people to abstain this power I was given that nickname! Oh what else...For seven years before I hit 14 I had almost bright navy blue hair but the it started to darken!" She Said excitedly.

After about 10 minutes after they finished, they had made it into the dorm. The air was cold and smelt like cherry blossoms and Caramel "It smells really good!" Connie said pulling on Suga's Jacket. "It's all Diana's Doing, she is a clean freak and hates a dirty dorm but all the decorating and Painting was done by yours truly!" He smiled and showed the two to their new living spaces. Everyone finished unpacking and started to chat up a storm, Suga and Diana cocked Dinner while Keiko and Connie sat the table. They had a long day ahead of them tomorrow and needed to relax a bit.

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