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We soon arrived to our destination and it was the beach. "C'mon Jiwoo" June grabs my hand and leads me to where we'll sit. I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful sight in front of my eyes. "June?" he takes his attention off of the blanket that he was attempting to lay on the floor and hums in response "Can I ask why you brought me here?" he gestures for me to sit on the blanket and looks at me as he laughs. "The night you guys went out you gave me some information and I wanna make up for it". I turn to look at him utterly scared and not recalling a thing , "A-ah what did I say?" he stares into the distance and says "That's for me to know and for you to question Jiwoo" I huff and decide to let the subject go and enjoy the view. "You know when I first met you at that party I wasn't quite sober and regretted what I had did , aka asking for your number, but now that i'm here with you in this moment I think it's the best thing i've done in a while". June breaks the peaceful silence, I turn to look at him and softly smile "Ya! why are you being so cheesy, we're just friends!" I say while slightly laughing. He was just about to speak but then gets a phone call "Mianhae I need to get this real quick" he gets up and walks a few feet away. I couldn't help but admire his tall husky figure and his beautifully black soft looking hair.

"Ye?" June says, the expression of worry flushed through my face as I seen the change of color on    Junes skin. Paler than before, and the smile he had quickly faded as he looks around continuously looking frightened and angry at the same time but continues talking on the phone. He hangs up and walks to me "Jiwoo let's go" he says firmly

"Ahh Wae? I'm enjoying this view so much!" I groan, he clenches his jaw "I. said. let's. go" I get taken aback by his tone but decide to do as said. I stand up dusting off sand that was blown onto my jeans by the wind and bend over to get the blanket. He grabs my hand and leads me back to the car. As soon as we're settled inside the car June slams his fist on the steering wheel. "K-kwenchana?" I ask while stuttering, he huffs and slams his head back on the seat while closing his eyes. I hesitate to do so but I pull my hand towards his thigh and rub it soflty back and forth trying to comfort him. And surprisingly it worked his body was no longer tense and he turned to look at me while sighing. "I'm sorry you couldn't have a good time today Jiwoo, I promise i'll make it up to you". I smile and shake my head as a response, to my surprise I notice my hand was still on his thigh I try to pull back but instead of doing so June grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together.

I was shocked, but I didn't mind at all. This right here felt peaceful, calm, but most of all it felt right. June starts the car and we head towards my house, as soon as we get there I was bummed because I had to let go of his intensely soft hand. I unbuckle myself and walk towards the house "You coming June?" I ask while turning on my heel. "Yes, just give me a minute" I nodded and stepped inside "Seoyun? Jay?" I yell out to see if they were home, surprisingly they weren't because I got no reply I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the fridge it read;

Ji, Jay and I headed out to go on a date
so don't wait up and
don't have too much fun!(;
love ya - Yunnie

I smiled at the little note, as much as I hated being called Ji I loved when Seoyun used the nickname I gave her. I couldn't help but wonder what more was going on between her and Jay. "Jiwoo?" i'm snapped out of my thoughts when June walks in and calls after me. He walks into the kitchen and smiles "How about we watch a movie?" I smile and nod rapidly, I decide to make some popcorn and bring down some blankets. "Jiwoo you can choose the movie" I look at him surprised "Jinja?!" he laughs in the cutest way and nods his head. This boy really makes my heart flutter so much just by the little things he does. The effect he had on me was starting to scare me.

June's POV
I was in denial at first, but I can't deny the fact that I really do like Jiwoo. Seeing her enjoy the view at the beach was such a beautiful sight, receiving that phone call was a wake up call for me. I took notice of the fact that if anything bad ever happened to Jiwoo i'd go crazy.
                              - f l a s h b a c k -
*call from earlier*
"Ye?" I say, not taking notice of whom I was talking to "Ah June long time no talk or see, how are you my dear friend? I see you're enjoying your time at the beach with your little toy" I grit my teeth and clench my jaw as I hear the voice on the other line. "Ya! what do you want you fucking asshole!" he laughs coldly "Besides your little bitch I want you to do what you were asked to do, you wouldn't want anything to happen to that beautiful goddess of yours, would you? I will say she has an amazing body" I clench my fist in attempt to hold in my anger "Listen to me you fucking prick, you dare lay a finger on her and I promise you, you will regret ever being born" I huff and click. I walk over to Jiwoo and tell her that we have to leave. I can't let her be here because it wasn't safe and most of all because somewhere around here someone was keeping watch of us.

                                - end of flashback -

Right in this moment I couldn't help but feel happiness. She was acting like a five year old and as much as I hated seeing girls act like babies, Jiwoo was an exception because she looked adorable and beautiful all in one. I want to protect her and care for her like no other.

  [back to Jiwoos POV]

I sit on the couch and stretch my legs out in front of me. "Jiwooo! why'd you have to pick such a sappy and cheesy movie?! this is boring" June whines "Shh" I say in attempt to shush him I loved this movie so much, I used to watch it over and over in the states with my mom. I snap out of my thoughts as June lays his head on my lap. "What are you doing June I want to watch the movie!" He smiles up at me and moves his body around to get comfortable "Here play with my hair" he grabs my hand and places it on his soft hair I sigh and start moving my fingers and twirling his beautiful soft locks around them. As much as I was acting like I didn't enjoy this i'd be the biggest liar if I said I wasn't actually enjoying it so much. "June?" I call out to him while keeping my eyes on the TV.

I get no response and I turn to look down at him, and his eyes are closed. All I could honestly do at this moment was admire him. I must admit June was one handsome man, I remove one of my hands and caress his cheek. In this very moment I was sure , sure that I had fallen for Koo Junhoe. And no I didn't want to deny it, because every moment spent with Junhoe felt right, just as much as this very moment here felt right.

"It isn't nice to stare Jiwoo" I jump at the sudden voice and smack June on the forehead. "Ya! you scared me you little shit" I say almost more scared at the fact that he knows I was staring. He laughs and sits up. "C'mon let's go to bed it's late now" I sigh and nod, grabbing my blankets and heading towards the stairs. "Jiwoo?" he calls out before entering his room I turn around and face him "Come here real quick" My heart starts to thump super fast in my chest and my heartbeat increases massively i'm almost afraid he'll hear it. I slowly walk to him "What?" I ask he smiles warmly at me grabs my face and stays there for a minute staring at me. I'm going insane right now omo Jiwoo keep it together "Good night" he says while placing a warm kiss on my forehead before I get the chance to say it back he walks into his guest room and I smile like an idiot while walking back to my room.

Oh my god guysss! are they gonna admit to their feelings for each other? Please enjoy and read on, and don't forget to share with your friends!
                    xoxoxo {lee}

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