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I wake up to the sunlight beaming in my eyes, I slightly sit up and realize I was no longer in Junhoe's arms, I was now in my bed. As I sit up more I feel my body heavy, and just completely exhausted. I sit there not wanting to get out of bed at all as the memories of yesterday flash through my head. I sigh and sit there dazing off.

"Hey Jiwoo-ah, how are you feeling?" Junhoe comes in and sits at the end of my bed. I slightly jump not taking notice of Junhoe walking in while snapping out of my thoughts, I give him a straight smile. "Could be better honestly" He looks at me in deep thought, as if hundreds of things were rushing through his mind. "Mm, how about we go out today? please?" I groan and throw myself back onto my bed "June, i'm really not in the mood to go out today i'm sorry maybe next time?" He gets up and comes to face me while pulling me up from my bed. "Sorry sweet stuff, I already have a whole day planned ahead for us, therefore I wont take no as an answer". I slightly smile and I sit up on my bed, then immediately after I hug Junhoe's torso while he stood in front of me. "Thank You Junie" He rubs the back of my head, and ruffles my hair while doing so. "What for?" I look up at him as I pull back from the hug "For making me feel safe yesterday, holding me, and making sure I was okay". As I spoke we made eye contact but as soon as I was done talking he looks down at the floor. "Of course, now get ready c'mon we gotta get going". With that he walks out of my room, leaving me to wonder why he wouldn't look me in the face. I decide to shake it off and go in the shower. Getting in and feeling the warm water hit my body was a relief. It felt nice, my body no longer felt stiff or heavy, I step out of the shower. Wrapping myself in a towel and staring straight at the mirror in deep thought.

What are we ? Friends ?
Was I not good enough for him ?
Was I going to be okay ?

I quickly look away from the mirror and down to the floor. Not wanting to let these thoughts and questions ruin my day. I step out of the bathroom and into my closet. I get my outfit and quickly change, then moving onto my makeup and hair. As soon as I finish I throw some jewelry on and perfume. I step out of my room and head to knock on Junhoe's guest room. I hear music playing as I knock, he goes to the door and opens it shirtless. I stand there in complete shock, it's not like I hadn't seen him shirtless before. It's just he got much more muscular than the last time I had seen him shirtless. "So you're just gonna stand there and stare?" I look up at his face and feel a blush coming onto my cheeks "S-sorry, but uh i'm ready i'll go wait downstairs". He laughs as he notices i'm still in so much shock. "Jiwoo stop, you act like you haven't seen a mans chest before, come in you dork" He yanks me by my arm and before I know it i'm in his room. I sit on his bed and patiently wait for him as I take out my phone.

Yunnniee 💞🤠: Hey Ji, hope you're feeling okay. I went out today with Jinhwan, so don't wait up for me! love you (:

I smile warmly as I read my best friends message. I really was super happy that her and Jay were working out quite well. Smiling while I reply;

Me: Okay Yunnie, love you be safe! and don't worry abt me i'm fine!

"Ready to go?" I jump slightly and look up "Ya! why is it always you that scares me!". He laughs and walks to me while pulling me up off the bed. "Stop being such a baby Jiwoo, let's go". I slap his arm as i'm being pulled down the stairs. We walk out the house and step into his car. "Are you hungry?" He asks me while turning on the engine. "Mm nope" He looks at me and scolds me "But you haven't ate breakfast" He tells me while glaring "You have too eat something". I groan and throw my head back onto the seat "Okay, dad." I say completely unamused while emphasizing the word 'dad'. He looks at me while smirking and he winks. I scoff and turn my head to look out the window, not realizing shortly after I drift off into a deep sleep. "Jiwoo" I hear Junhoe say frustratingly, while shaking my arm. I open my eyes and turn to look at him slowly, I must admit he was a nice view to wake up to. I smile at him "Finally! I've been trying to get you to wake up for the past ten minutes, c'mon we're here". I yawn while stretching out my arms. "I don't wanna walk" I say while pouting, hoping he'd give me like 10 more minutes to fully wake up. Instead he steps out of the car and walks to my side before I know it, he opens my door and is throwing me over his back with my head towards his bum. "Ya! Put me down, what are you doing Koo Junhoe?!" I start to kick my feet, but it was no help, he was too strong for my small frame. We then step into a diner while June is still carrying me. I look around embarrassed as people give us weird glances. We then get to a table and he sets me down across from his seat. I huff and cross my arms over my chest "Well what the hell was that for?! I said I didn't wanna walk not that I couldn't!" I tell Junhoe in a loud whisper. He shrugs his shoulders as he looks at the menu "It was quite fun". I glare at him and sit there staring. "Ya, c'mon you can't stay mad" I scoff "Watch me". He laughs, then orders his food as the waiter comes. "And for you ma'am?" I look at the waiter. Wow, he was quite handsome I stare without taking notice "Jiwoo-ah what do you want" June asks while giving me a death glare. "Oh uh sorry about that, I'll get a breakfast combo please along with a coffee. three creamers and 3 tablespoons of sugar". The waiter smiles at me "Okay coming right up" He reaches to get my menu, but as he's doing so he gropes my hand. I look taken aback by his sudden movement. He takes the menus and walks away. Apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed what he did because as he's walking away I see Junhoe throwing daggers at him with his eyes. He turns to me as he clenches his jaw. I laugh mentally, as seeing a jealous Junhoe was quite funny. "Junie, what's the matter?" He looks at me and scoffs "He's not even cute". I laugh "Ahh, jinja? who said he was in the first place?" He looks at me taking notice that he just blurted that out. "He seems to be a big fan of yours, he even feels the need to grope your hand". It was quite a thing to witness, a jealous Junhoe. Yet, I wasn't even his girlfriend. I wasn't sure what we were at this point but what I was sure of was that I liked him so much, and cared for him twice as much as I liked him. "Ya, you fool I like you" He looks at me quite shocked, but then relaxes his tensed body. I reach over the table and intertwine our hands together. The waiter then comes and glances down at our hands, then not wanting to look either of us in the face. As he leaves June scoffs and laughs, "Here eat up" he hands me my plate and utensils.

Heading out as soon as we finish our food, and paying we get back into the car. "Thank you Junie! it was delicious". He smiles warmly at me and nods his head and turns on the engine once again. "That's not all for today we have one more destination" I couldn't help but wonder what this location was.

Junhoe's POV

I start to drive to the next destination, steering the wheel with sweaty hands. I couldn't lie, I was super nervous about today. Today was either gonna be an amazing day or a complete failure. I couldn't stand here anymore and fight back what I felt for this girl. I won't lie and say I wasn't afraid what all of this might bring, because truth is I was. I was terrified, she was my safe place in this world, the one I wanted to care for and cherish. The reason why I was falling out of my cold ways, she is the one I want to give my heart to. I was afraid of it all, of these deep deep feelings I had for her, but only time would tell if things were meant to be. Her smile was my favorite thing to look at, her scent was my favorite smell, her dark brown eyes were my favorite to gaze at, her small frame was my favorite thing to hug on.

I was staring, staring at her while in deep thought. She waves her hand in front of my face "June, stop staring" she says while giggling and trying to cover her face. "You're beautiful" I say while still admiring her face. I loved it and hated it all at once, she made me feel weak, she made me feel vulnerable, she was my soft spot, the only way people would get to me is if they were to mess with her. She made me feel like a softy and that I was, but just for her. Everything that was taking place in the moment, felt nothing but right .

I reach over to grab her hand and intertwine our fingers while placing it over my thigh. Smiling to myself, loving what was taking place in this moment. She turns to look at me and smiles cheesily, showing off her pearly white teeth. I'm not sure what this feeling was; but for her i'd do it all and more. For a split second I stopped to think .

does she feel this feeling for me too ?
am i making the right decision ?

Afraid was an understatement at this point, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to throw this all away. I had fallen for Lee Jiwoo, before my very own eyes and I failed to notice the big message


HEEY LOVELIES ! I Am So Sorry For Not Being Frequent With The Chapters, I Really Just Havent Been Motivated Lately But Hey! Hope You Guys Enjoy! Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING💘 I Hope You Guys Have A Good One! I Am Extremely Thankful For Those Of You Who Have Stayed From Chapter 1 All The Way Through Todays Chapter!

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