{ Chapther four }

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Happys pov;

One hours, two ours and three hours. Nothing, not even a text from someone who is a tiny Little bit worried. Who would be worried about me tho, I've got none who cares about me. Maybe I should just run away, really far away so none can find me ever.

I looked around, I still sat on the same bench, in a park, not many people just some kids. Hang on... that's not a kid, or a parent... no way. I quickly stood up and started to run, he followed me, he was pretty fast too.

Alex: Happy! Stop running!

He run up next to me and stoped me, none can catch me, I was just really tierd.

Happy: Don't think that you're faster than me, I'm just tierd.

Alex: Yeah yeah what ever... why did you run away? Everyone is looking for you.

Happy: Why woud they, they don't know me, the only thing they know is that I tried to attac you and that I pushed Jody to the ground.

Alex: Did you push Jody...? Is that why she has a plaster on her forehead...

Happy: Didn't she say...

Alex: No, she said that she had falled... anyway, are you okay? I brought some water.

He handed me a bottel and I took it, I took some sips. He sat down and leand on a tree, I hesitated a bit but sat next to him.

Happy: Why is everyone out and looking for me?

Alex: We have a kind of rule, it's something like " Who ever walks through the front door, is a part of our family. " And if a family member dissepered, wouldn't you be worried?

Happy: ... I would...

I looked down to hide that I almost cryed, why can't I just move on and stop thinking about mum? He must have seen the tears in my Eyes cause Before I knew it he wraped his arms around me. It feeled weird first but, it actually made me feel safe. I slowly moved closer to him and leand my head on his shoulder. What the heck am I doing, I don't know him at all, but it still feels right.

Alex: Come on, lets take you home.

He let me go and stood up, he held his hands out for me to take. I took them and he helped me up. He started to walkbut I didn't follow him. He soon noticed and turned around to face me.

Alex: What's wrong?

Happy: Nothing, just leave me alone weirdo.

I sat down and leand on the tree again, why did I call him a weirdo, I just can't go " home ", not yet. He sighed and sat next to me;

Alex: I've been told worse, why don't you want to go home?

Happy: Why are you so nice to me?

Alex: I don't know, it's better then being rude I guess. And it seems like you have been through some tough things, everybody has in some way.

Happy: How can you be so... so calm, anyone else would have had a go at me now.

Alex: It doesn't help to have a go, sometimes it's better to talk about thsi tough stuff or just have a hug and a strawberry milkshake.

I laughed and so did he. He really made me laugh, that's almost worth a price.

Happy: You're funny... can I ask you something?

Alex: Go on.

Happy: Why are you in care? You don't have to answer.

Alex: Well... not any details but, my mum didn't want me so she left me on the street when I was five. What about you?

Happy: Erm... I don't want to talk about it...

Alex: Okay, if you ever need to talk, I'm Always here. Even tho it might be hard, it will make you feel better, trust me.

I slowly noded. Even tho I wanted to say no, I don't trust him. How can I, we just meet and the people you trust the most Always let you down. He wrapped one arm around me, and again I feeld safer. I wish I could feel this for ever, but I know that when he'll let me go Everything will be gone.

Happy: Can we stay here? Just for a bit.

Alex: You mean if I can hold you like this for longer?

I could feel myself blushing and he smiling big. I got out from his grip;

Happy: No! Don't be silly.

Alex: Oi calm down, I'm joking.

He pulled me back and hold me closer, I let him, don't ask me why. If it was someone else I would have slapped them.

Alex: You are pretty cool Happy.

Happy: And you are pretty lame.

He went quiet so I let out a laugh to show that I was joking. He playfully hit my arm and laughed too.

Alex: Very funny, can't we go to the swings in the park?

I froze, why would he ask that. I hate parks. I shaked my head hard.

Alex: Come on, it'll be fun.

Happy: I said no.

I got out from his grip again and a tear left my Eye. If mum way here.. stop it. Mum isn't here, and she never will be. I started to cry, I hide y face in y hands.

Alex: Did I say something wrong...

He pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair. I cryed in his chest, after a while I stoped. I still was in his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

Happy: You never saw me cry okay?

Alex: Okay... are you okay?

Happy: Yeah... sorry.

Alex: What for?

Happy: Crying in your chest.

Alex: It's okay, are you sure that you are okay?

Happy: Yeah.. I just hate parks... I've got Flashbacks...

Alex: Okay.

I've never told anyone about my Flashbacks. And now I'm telling someone who I meet yesterday? What's wrong with me? I moved away from him and stood up.

Alex: Ready to go?

I opend the bottle of water and emptied it over him. He quickly stood up;

Alex: Oi! What was that for??

Happy: Don't you dare tell anyone about my Flashbacks!

Alex: I wasn't going to, you don't need to pour water over me.

Happy: Sorry...

Alex: It's fine. You can trust me you know. Lets go home now and I'll make you that strawberry milkshake.

I smiled at him and noded, he wraped an arm around me and helped me home.
End of chapter, what do you think will happen next? Leave a comment!

The dumping ground ~ Happy DaviesWhere stories live. Discover now