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It is the coldness,stillness,and calmness of the winter that she loved ,she loved the winter cause it resonates her life ...lifeless,numb and unhappy ,something that she felt a very long time ,maybe that why she was sad that the winter season was gradually declining ,the blanket of snow on the ground was melting,giving way for spring, the season she hated ..the grass was growing ,the leaves were coming back to life ,the flowers were blooming and showing off thier exquisite colours making them beautiful ..but Lilith hated that beauty ,hated that because it's wasn't her life ,it was completely opposite , was happy,lovely and child-like ...something she never felt for a long time .
,.................... ..................
The memories of her father and mother death was still evident in her mind ,every painful detail turned into those vicious nightmares that kept her awake most nights .

"Mama!!!pleeaase tell me a story "a girl barely 7 years of age ,had asked already knowing that her puppy eyes would make her mother tell it anyways ,she looked at her mother and noticed how different they were ,her mother had beautiful grass green eyes ,so mesmerised the young child was ,cause those eyes reminded her of spring ,and she loved spring ,she loved those green eyes and her father had blonde hair and blue eyes ,oh!!how is wished to have those eyes which reminded her of the ocean ,and the clouds ,she loved her parents eyes and often ,compared it to the ocean and the land
Tough she was a child ,she understood that she was different,especially with her looks ,unlike her father and mother ,she had black hair and black eyes ,something she wasn't proud of.

she was always a curious child and she had always had her doubt's ,she knew that her parents weren't normal.Thats when she Found the secret of the world ,the different species ,the werewolf,the witches,the elves,the faeries,the mermaids ,the vampires and her never ending quest to make friends with the worst of them.She was a a very curious child who lived alone in this world ,there no form of existence living near by ,no friends ,nothing just vast stretches of grass and greenery.
She was broken out her reverie ,by her mother's voice ,

"once upon a time there lived a mouse and a lion,they were very much lov.."

A sound echoed of broken doors and glass ,her mother grass green eyes held terror

"ELENA!!!take LILY and runnnn"a voice downwards screamed in despair
Lily looked at her mother terror filled eyes and knew something was wrong
" why??is dada shouting mama"??"Is dada going to be okay ??"
Questions with no answers

Elena grabbed lily and and chanted a spell ,which broke the window ,she then chanted and another spell in which she flew and reached the landed on the grass,she was already tired ,as the spell had taken an toll on her ,so she did what she knew best ,

She ran........

she smiled at her child and reassured her everything was fine ,but the child knew better ,she knew something is wrong but still didn't ask questions .
while she looked back ,only you see a a silouteee of her father being killed by some unknown force,she noticed her mother eyes tearing up and a tear falling .
And right then ,she knew something was wrong .
"Mama,dada is in the house ,aren't we going to tell him"she questioned ,
"No...its just us now ,dada will comes"elena whispered fake smiling but the smile didn't reach her eyes ...
all was just reassuring words not the truth and just like that... her innocent mind believed her mother was right ,that's her father was indeed was alive and she was just taking a Stoll in the forest , like she used to at old times.

elena run along the meadows and thick forest ,ran!ran!and ran farther away from the impending danger ,ran as far as her legs could take,she knew she couldn't perform an another spell and if she did she would die.

They went farther only to be hit my an fire ball that made them both fly to different directions ,lily hit her head on the grass ,Elena rushed to her side ,took lily on her arms and whispered sweet ,reassuring words .
However they were interrupted ..

"Elena!!you didn't think u would escape me ,did u ??"lily looked to see the most beautiful woman other than her mother she laid eyes on ,
Her hair was long black ,wavy towards the end ,towards the end her hair was coloured its was fire ,actual fire blazing on her hair but not damaging it ,she was wearing a red colour dress like olden days, everything of this mystery lady was beautiful except the emotion in her red filled eyes ,it had hatred ..deep hatred ,it's was filled with negative emotions that perhaps the young child's brain couldn't comprend.

"Adara..what to do you want ?the prophecy is wrong adara,there is nothing u can gain by killing her"Elena replied bold but breathless .

"GIVE ME THE CHILD !!!ELENA" Adara growled ,throwing an fire ball to their side ,holding lily in her arms Elena turned back ,keeping the child safe in her arms .she whispered in her ears "Lily , i don't know if u remember but you are special and will always be ,always love everyone "
And then she looked up ,towards the sky .

She performed another spell,and an round ball of water was thrown to that mystery lady side
Water and fire were thrown on each other .
However elena knew her time was up ,so she knew what she had to do ,or rather what she needed to do a very long time
she kept on murmuring a spell in an language lily couldn't understand ,and when she opened her eyes ,her eyes were no more grass green but blue .
Her body was glowing like a star ,and anyone within a few meters away could mistake her for the star .
In fact ,it was not only her eyes that changed ,her hair to changed into blue like the water ...the ocean .
She kept lily on the ground and flew up meet the red demon ,this time everything about her was shining
.and with one big push of her hand ,
A huge water come crashing on the red woman and she fell down to meet her death
Lily was happy to see her mom new tricks .
Elena looked at her with those beautiful eyes that held sadness and bid goodbye ,her life from those eyes slowly depleting ,and becoming lifeless and falls down dead .

"Mama ...wake up!!!mama ..."lily cried ,trying her best to wake her dead mother.
And its was at that moment that's something shifted ,...that something went wrong ...that this happy go lucky girl changed into ICE

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