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She loved her long hair, sure it was bland and black, but she loved it, she loved how it was frizzy every morning she woke up, she loved combing her hair, touching her hair with her hands, and it always reminded her of her mother ,her mother had beautiful long brown black hair ,she was like the Rapunzel in real life ,she had inherited her strong black colour from her dad ,who looked like the prince , together they were the most beautiful couple ,and that memory that she held dear and fast with her heart and  life was taken away.
Fate . was .cruel

Why did she do that? Why is she so hell bent on ruining her life? why WHY??
Her tears were dried up, and her cheeks were sticky and dirty, she could taste the salt of the tears in her mouth, but this was nothing compared to the hurt she felt inside, her soul was broken and now she did not even know why she tried.
Why she tried to live?

But hope was still there deep within her, the hope that she would live happily ever after with her mate.

"Ohh!! dear ...what are u doing here ?"

The sweet voice of Mrs carmen awoken her from her dilemma.

She quickly wiped away her tears, and fake smiled

"Mrs Carmen, why are u here ?"Lily asked

"Are u okay,  I hope ur are not hurt? "she asked worriedly.

"Oh !! I am fine, Mrs Carmen,  I am okay "she replied, smiling through her broken tears

But Mrs Carmen did not buy that, she knew exactly what happened, so she did what a mother would usually go her daughters

She hugged her.

Her old skin and loosened skin, surrounded lily lean and lanky body, immediately comforting her, at first, Lily went cold, not sure how someone would react to a hug, she slowly and carefully put her lean hands on Mrs Carmen.
It then when Lily cried when Lily broke down her wall and wailed just like a lost puppy trying to find its, mother.
Mrs Carmen shushed her sweetly and whispered sweet words of encouragement and love.
Her hand touched her hair, and lily flinched at the touch, but understood that she wasn't them, she was different, and Mrs Carmen would always love her no matter what.

They sat there, both of them quiet and sad at their worlds
Both of them waiting for happiness
both of them wanting their mates

.....,......,............... ................... ....................

lily woke up from her dreamless sleep, and noticed Mrs Carmen had already left, she felt like a load had been lifted off from her chest and smiled, some profound change had happened after she listened  to Mrs carmen words
"U alone are the one, responsible for your happiness, and don't let anyone think or do  otherwise "
That's right she alone was responsible for her happiness, and right after she finds her mate, she and he will be leaving immediately to someplace far away, far away from this treacherous place.
Then only, would she find true happiness, she can only find true happiness when she leaves the people who are the cause of her unhappiness, for years she hoped that either Keisha or kyle would be her friend...but now she knew that she was living a lie.
And she would do anything to escape from this hell hound.

The preparation for the moonball was in full swing, the large chandelier hanging in the middle of the ballroom was shining so bright and was illuminating so much that the light could brighten any dark tunnel.
Towards the side, the bland walls were filled with delicious foods that's was unseen by lily, food from all around the world was put up.
And all lily could hope to find some leftovers.
The curtains were draped so majestically like a wedding party, everything in that ballroom was a mixture of gold and silver, and even the staircase that's had been previously bland and boring were filled with gold and silver flowers and draped with gold sheets.

"Hey!! you clean here and there, someone called up to her.
She muttered a yes, and nodded.
She took her broom and started sweeping of the area.
Collecting dust wherever she went, she loved periods like this when she could have some alone time, when she wasn't threatened or belittled, of course, her lovely friends were busy dressing up for the ball.,and the more the time they took, the better she felt.
So lily came to the conclusion that she is indeed happy they take more than hours to dress up

As she was checked the time, she noticed the guest would arrive in an hour, so she took her broom and was about to leave. when she was abruptly stopped by a chest...hard chest.

"I am sorry, sir "she apologised without looking at the person.
And as she was about to leave, she felt someone tug on her elbow, and pull her towards them.
She looked to see the perpetrator,

" what are u doing here murderer" he hissed, his muscles clenching with hate.
Lily was lost of words, as she looked into his steel grey eyes filled with hate.
Finally, she replied, slowly and unclear
"Kyle" she took a breath, as this was the first time ever he talked to her, his name sounded perfect with her lips and she could say his name all over again.

Kyle .Kyle.KYLE

"I was just here, to clean up the place " she replied quickly as she felt her anxiety was going to hit her.
She noticed that he still hadn't let go of her elbow, and it was paining as it was already bruised.

"Please, let go of me Kyle " she begged as she felt him create more pressure in the bruised area.
She couldn't bear the pain, she felt his hatred scourge through her through the pain that was inflicting her by him.
"Kyle..please let go"

Finally, he did let go of her.
She looked into his eyes and thought she saw a flicker of worry, but it was soon gone in a nanosecond and filled with dejection and hate.

Lily looked at Kyle, his white coat had outlined his muscles and he looked as majestic as the hall that was decorated.
His steel grey eyes complimented his tie, which was again silver in colour, though she hated that colour combination, he seemed to pull it off amazingly, in fact, he looked like a king.
"You know, Lily, that's not what I meant, what are u doing here? here along with us"
"This is NOT your  HOME" he hissed, stressing on each word as if he wanted her to hear each foul word he said.
Lily looked at him, scared and fear started scorching through her bones and veins.
She would try to speak, but the sound would not go out of her mouth .she felt all her words clogged up her throat and she felt it dried up.

She needed water immediately.
She couldn't bear the pain of his stare, she knew that any time she was going to pummel.
So she took off, without a word and ran and ran till she could run no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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