VIII. "Secrets of the lake"

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"When I was little, my mom took out a Ouija board and asked my brother and I if we'd like to play with it ... It started out pretty funny. Someone was obviously moving the glass thing, making words like 'poop' and stuff like that. (Did I mention we were young enough for that to be hilarious?) But then my mom said let's get serious and try to contact someone. Here is where it gets weird.
"A friend of hers had recently gone missing. He'd been missing for a month or so, and nobody knew where he was. When we asked who it was we're talking to, his name was spelled out. Let's just say it was George, since I genuinely don't remember. When we asked George if he was my mom's friend, he said yes. My mom got visibly upset, and asked where he was. 'In a lake' was spelled out. It was extremely upsetting, and we stopped immediately. Mom tried to be lighthearted about it, and since I was young, I believed it was no big deal as well, following her lead.
About two weeks later, they found George's body. He'd been hit by some car or train or something on some bridge, and his body fell into the nearby lake, though it was more like a very large pond. It was a reasonably remote place, so nobody had found it for a while." -Reddit user

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