IV. " The case of the vanishing board

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"We were hanging out in a friend's dorm room and busted out the Ouija board. There were a few of us who had used them before and a few who hadn't that were quite skeptical. It was about 11:00 p.m. and the communication with the board was going quite well. Gary, one of the skeptics, kept calling bullshit to the whole thing. We convinced him to sit on the floor with us and give it a shot. His first question, 'Is this for real or just a bunch of bullshit?' The planchette zipped to NO. 'Fine' he says, still not believing, 'Prove it!'
"No sooner [had] he finished that statement [when] the lights in the room flickered and the building's fire alarm went off. This freaked us all out and we left the room to follow fire alarm procedures. After about 20 minutes, campus safety said it was a false alarm and let us all back in to the dorms. When we arrived back up to [our friend's] room, the Ouija board was gone. No one took it with us and the room was left locked." -Reddit user hammerhands

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