The Tale of Two Wolves

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Marcel had come to the compound to drink with Elijah and me.

"It's been a long time since we've shared a drink together," Elijah pointed out.

"You're gonna need it," Marcel told us.

"I take it Davina didn't bring good news?" I asked.

"She and Freya have been holed up with spell books all week, searching for any last ideas to help Hope," Marcel answered. "They're out of options."

Elijah shook his head. "I don't accept that."

"Look, I love that kid," Marcel told us. "It's because I love her that I am telling you. There is no miracle fix here. Now, she might've had a little more time, but she's about to experience her first full moon since she triggered her curse. Every witch that we consulted is sure that she won't survive the night."

"Then we speak with Freya," Elijah told us. "She will perform a binding spell. That's the solution."

Marcel shook his head. "A spell that powerful would only kill her faster. This is terminal, Elijah. Now we can't keep this a secret from her any longer. She needs to have the chance to say goodbye. And we all know who needs to tell her."

"He won't accept it," I told him.

"Make him," Marcel told me. "She is dying, Nicola."


Klaus walked down into the courtyard toward Elijah and me.

"Niklaus?" Elijah asked.

I was getting an idea. "Get in the car. We're taking Hope on a little trip."

"Are you out of your mind?" Klaus asked. "Wait, what am I saying? Of course you are."

"Look who's talking," I replied. Klaus shrugged. "She can sleep on the drive."

Elijah looked at Klaus. "Surely you heard Marcel."

"He doesn't know anything," Klaus told us. "Nicola, where are we going?"

"My home," I answered. "To Hope's school that used to be my family home. The people there know how to deal with a werewolf's first transformation. They have a facility."

"Mystic Falls?" Elijah asked. "I take it you have a plan."

"I do," I answered. "And while I execute it, you two can look after her, to make sure she doesn't exert herself. Because it's better for you two to be with her than with me. Because it's better for her to be around people she loves than to be around me who she despises. She feels better around quite literally anyone else she's ever met."

"How Hope feels about you is of no consequence," Klaus told me. "She is trying to forgive you, Nicola. As am I. But we have until the crest of the full moon to save her life. We've defied the inevitable for a dozen lifetimes. I am not about to surrender to it now."

"Then follow my lead," I told them. "No matter what happens to me, I am going to make up for what I did by saving your family. I am going to save always and forever."

Klaus and Elijah were stunned, impressed but thankful, but also confused as to what I was planning.


Back home in Mystic Falls, when I arrived to the school, it was to see kids playing around outside, teenagers as well. Cheerleaders were dancing around with hula hoops while I listened to Caroline inside. "At the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, we are big on spirit." When the cheerleaders tossed the hula hoops into the air, they exploded into mini fireworks. I smirked, walking inside, seeing kids studying magic and other stuff in what used to be the boarding house's dining room. "Education is our first priority, obviously. We've sent students to the Ivy League, to Silicon Valley. Of course, if you're looking for a more unique course of study, I assure you, we are unmatched." I walked into the living room to see Caroline leading a group of people. "We believe in inclusive blending of the species here. So, outside of full moons, vampires, witches and werewolves all cohabitate peacefully."

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