The party failure

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Kennedi's POV

while I was chilling on my computer waiting for Ty to come get for school I here him honk and I go get in the car and as we make it to school to see are crew waiting for us 

Kennedi: what up why you guys look like that *she says as Diamond steps forward*

Diamond: You didn't here Victoria heard a rumor abut you and is now trying to fight 

Kennedi: Okay what was the rumor

DJ: someone said that you and her Jordan were caught making out at the park yesterday 

Kennedi: what oh no tat was Ty I was making out with at the park and also *punches Ty*

Ty: ouch baby that hurt with yo old man hands 

Kennedi: well that's what you get it your stupid idea to make out in the park now Victoria wants to fight me so thanks 

Ty: well it's your fault you listen to me *gets punched again* ouch okay I am sorry what are we going to do 

Kennedi: well we are going to ignore it until it happens but until then help plan my birthday party for Saturday

Janiyah: that's right you finally turning 16 so we have to do it bit like best party of year

skip to Saturday 

party room   

party room   

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girls outfit

girls outfit

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*as Kennedi is talking to her guest her five best friends come and surprise and lyric says 

Lyric: I told we look good if we matched 

Kennedi: um first of that was my idea and second here come our babies

Boys outfit 

Boys outfit 

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Couples are  Kendall and  diamond ,Jarrell and Alyssa, Ty and Kennedi, lyric and Evan, Quincy and  DJ, and  Janiyah and Cameron


*as Ty and the boys were walking in Kennedi jumped on him and said*

Kennedi: you made it baby I was starting to get worried

Ty: What come on you know I can't miss my baby turning 16 I love you

Kennedi: I love you to baby *she said as they shared a passionate kiss*

When the one person I didn't invite walks through Victoria dressed like this 

Victoria's outfit

*as everybody is in shock Victoria walks over to you and says*

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*as everybody is in shock Victoria walks over to you and says*

Victoria: awe look at this it's cute what's the theme tomboy nation

Kennedi: hello Victoria and really tomboy nation lame but if you must know it is come as your are and I see you came as you are which is a slut or is it a whore

Victoria: says the one who was caught making out with my boyfriend *she yelled as her crew came up and yours did to*

Kennedi: okay 2 things first of all I was making out with ty and second of all step your breathe smells like you just ate hot garbage so back up and just to prove it Ty come here bae

Ty: yeah *he said before he was soon cut off by his girlfriend kissing him*

Kennedi: now that I have proven myself please leave before me and girls have to through you guys out

Victoria: okay we will leave but first *punches Kennedi and starts a brawl until the boys break it up and Kennedi says bruised*

Kennedi: leave you have already caused enough trouble and ruined my party and to the rest of you I am sorry to say but party is over *she says but then passes out*

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