The Accident Part 2

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you know what fine if don't wanna do YouTube then don't but I won't stay in the same house as someone who can't respect what i'm doing while mad she passed out "ty" bae bae bae baby

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while caring her into the hospital I screamed someone help please help my girlfriend passed please and as I sat her on a gurney and they took her back a nurse I had to wait in the waiting room with everyone else. while sitting down I remembered the camera and I drove to the house and got and said sorry KT crew um I had to run her to the hospital and now we will go back to the hospital and as I got back maybe fifteen min's later they called her name and she said she just had a panick attack and that for the next two week no pranks or challenges she needs to rest and calm down.

(At the house)

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As we walked in the house Kennedi kept giving me the silent treatment until I said look I am so sorry baby it was just a prank and if I could take it back I would and she started laughing saying I knew I heard you do your intro and I did this on purpose so I could teach you a lesson to never ever prank me love you I am taking a nap       


sorry for not updating I just want to say I will probably put this one on hold  

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