The problem

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Kennedi: leave you have already caused enough trouble and ruined my party and to the rest of you I am sorry to say but party is over *she says but then passes out*


* everyone was slowly leaving ty and the crew was panicking because Kennedi wasn't moving *

Ty: bae bae! BAE!? Guys Kennedi isn't get up help me take her to the car

Alyssa: wait a second is that a grin....... bro you play to much get up I know it's a prank

Kennedi: *she laughs* omg you guys should've seen your faces man that was the greatest prank ever

Ty: bae why would you do that....that wasn't funny *as he cries*

Kennedi: awwww bae I am sorry but you should've known I told before I left the house to the girls to get ready that I was pranking everybody

Ty: ohhhh right whoops with the fight I forgot

Girls,boys: fuck u both man wait ain't  nobody left yet Kennedi

Kennedi: aye dj turn the that music back on

* the music turns back on and everybody starts dancing*

Ty: bae come on lets do our routine

Kennedi: fine lets go

* everybody moves and makes a circle *

* there still in the outfits but her jacket is open *

Alyssa: guys that was amazing do another one

Ty,Kennedi: fine one more

* after everything started to calm down the unexpected happened and there is a know on the door *

Police: are you Kennedi Burnett

Kennedi: yes

Police: your under arrest for assault and harassment

Kennedi: what but I was here the whole time please

*as everyone is leaving Victoria walks looking battered and bruised*

Police: is this the girl

Victoria: yeah that's her and I am pressing charges

Police: okay. Lets go ma'am

Kennedi: Alyssa call mom,dad and the lawyer please

Alyssa: don't worry and don't say anything until the lawyer gets there you will be fine i promise.


Did Victoria frame Kennedi ?

What's going to happen to Kennedi?

What's going to happen to Victoria?

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