Chapter 19

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Tris POV

I decide I want to do something every day after school.

Mon- Rugby

Tue- guitar


Thu- I'm going to get a job

And for Friday...

I'm going to make a YouTube channel. A vlogging channel.

Called... Heyimtrisx and I'll film and edit and upload a video every Friday.



I get to school. Christina obviously passed out the message because everyone in the "popular group"

Uriah, Zeke, Zoey ,Millie , Shauna Lynn Will Marlene and yeah are all wearing black.

Someone's comes up to us "what happens to you guys you fall in an oil spill because if you didn't realize your all wearing black"

I grab him by the collar of his shirt "Don't mess with us."

He runs away when I let go.

"Someone is already beginning to be badass I see" says Zeke.

"It's how we roll" I reply.


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