Chapter Twenty Nine~Jealousy

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Dylan's POV

"Sweetie you're allowed to stay here as long as you want but both of you have to go to school."

DD informed strictly, a disappointed sigh escaping my lips. It was currently Thursday morning, two days after our little date at the bakery, and Alex's mom is making us go back to school. The simple yet thoughtful date was no doubt one of the best days of my life, as cliché as it sounds. After leaving the bakery, he drove us to the lake front and we walked around, peacefully enjoying each others presence.

Diane had, thankfully, let us stay home yesterday also but now she's demanding that we go back today. The incident with my parents at dinner a few days ago really seemed to start getting to me yesterday and my state of mind was at the worst it has been-prior to that day. Therefore, I was in no mood to go to school but it looks like there's no choice since she's making us.


I agree reluctantly, wrapping a hand around my boyfriend's arm as we sat on his bed. DD walks out the room with a small satisfied smile and shuts the door behind herself. Right after she leaves, Alex grips my hand in his-turning to me with a bothered and concerned expression spread across his face.

"Will you be okay?"

He questions worriedly. It was nice to have somebody to care and show concern toward you at you're lowest point in life so I really appreciated Alexander. I nod my head and squeeze his hand in confident reassurance, forcing a small grin that facaded my true emotions. The thought of being a burden toward him because of my problems picked at my mind constantly and it wouldn't leave.

"I'm a big boy, I'll be fine."

I chuckle, standing up and pulling us along to his bathroom. Alex responds with an unsure 'okay' and I could instantly presume he knew my answer wasn't the complete truth. As much as I wanted it to be true and wanted to be completely fine, I wasn't. You can't exactly extinguish the scene of your parents disowning you for liking guys out of your mind within a time span of three days. I don't think that's exactly. . .possible.

"Why are we in here?"

He asks, referring to how I had dragged him into the bathroom with me.

"So we can get ready for school, duh."

I rolled my eyes as he mouthed an 'O', wondering how someone averagely smart could be so dumb sometimes. Guess some of us have more brain farts than other people. Alex grabs his toothbrush and tooth paste, squeezing some onto the bristles of it before handing the tube to me. I reach my hand out and gratefully take it, mimicking his actions and squeezing some onto my tooth brush.



He sticks the toothbrush into his mouth after replying, beckoning me to do the same by rotating his free hand in a backward come-hither motion. Hopefully today won't be as bad as I feel it'll be.


"Oh my gosh! Guys where have you been?"

Maya shrieks when Alex and I walk up to our accustomed lunch table, the rest of our friends expressions turning into shock as well. I plop myself down next to Anthony and we greet each other with a simple nod. He was the only person who wasn't acting like a complete buffoon at the moment.

"We only missed two days and it's not like you guys don't know where we were, considering you all blew up our phones in the group chat asking. As I said before, we were at my house."

Alex says, rolling his eyes as he spoke before taking a seat next to me and immediately attending to his phone. Maya gives him a dirty look because of how blunt his statment was and looks toward me instead, opening her mouth to speak.

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