Part 2: Questions

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                     Chapter two
     Emma lifted his pillow to see his pacifier sitting there "what the heck?!" She said confused "David?". He looked down and said "umm, I can explain." David said embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed David I'm just confused please explain" Emma said her voice full of confusion "and do your parents know?".

    David spoke "um I always have liked baby things like diapers and pacifiers so on. My parents don't know and please don't tell them. What else do you want to know?". "Is it like a fetish thing or what?" Emma said still slightly confused. "What! No way they like, comfort me and make me feel nice inside." David said soundly.

     "So they are like a comfort thing? Okay, I don't mind though I won't like baby you like feed and change you. Why did you hide your thing from me?" Emma said understandingly "I thought you wouldn't like me anymore" David said. "no your my best friend I would never leave you!" Emma said shocked. "Okay let's go out" he said hiding his pacifier in his pocket.

                   Chapter three
     Later that day after Emma left for home David was walking home and stopped by the store. He put his pacifier in his mouth and was looking at diapers when a lady tapped him on the shoulder

      "Oh hey David!" It was Amy David's mothers friend. Amy spoke again "David I know about your little ways" David was shocked "really" He said. Amy spoke again "yes and I love it David. You wanna come with me to my car" she paused then said in a normally "I'm not going to kidnap you, but do you want to be babied, like fed and changed by me" Amy said quietly. "Sure!" Said David he was ecstatic!

     When they got to Amy's house he looked around her house was a two story house and was painted tan. When they got inside David looked around at the room it was white and there was a changing mat on the floor. Amy spoke "okay David strip down to nothing and lay down while I get your diaper" David did as he was told sucking on his pacifier when Amy came back and handed him a diaper "hold this while I get you ready"

    she then proceeded to powder and pad him "okay step in" she said as she pulled out a onesie it was blue and had sharks on it like his pacifier "how dwid you know I wuv shaks!" "Because I saw you sucking on that paci and got this stuff for when you said yes to being babied" Amy replied as she put a necklace over his head then clicked his pacifier to it. "Whuts dat?" David said as sucked on his pacifier. "It's so you don't lose your paci" Amy said as she booped him on the nose

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