Chapter 1

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Introduction -

The year of 1998 consisted an increase in growth of mixed cultures. From white to black, from a blue to pink. Colourism grew even wider to the extents of the end of the lower east side of America, where white guys in a hood ruled the poorer side of town. As for the black people, they were below any race. The Hispanics, Asians, and Europeans lived between the black and the white, heading towards the white because of extreme fear. Joining gangs, drug dealing, and making fun of anyone darker than themselves was the routine they had to complete every day. With an evil smirk always planted on their faces; no one could figure out if they ever felt guilty or plainly enjoyed it.

As for me, I didn’t know what I was. With black foster parents and my white self I was torn between the diverse, causing me to become an outsider of my school. Every day, a shirt and a tie were to be worn at school, but as soon as the bell rang at the end of the last lesson, hoodies were swung on and attitudes grew bitter. There were a few black people in my school, but these always hid away from gangs that were bound to judge them because of their race. Every corner a gang was placed. 

Different coloured parents were also taken in to count, but had it worse. Any comment on a person’s mother or father was just as bad as having a comment thrown at a person because of their appearance. Now there were no mixed teachers in my school, not even black. But a day arrived when I found a teacher who in fact was mixed race. This made me question how the hell she got accepted in this school.

Here I was, sitting on a bench in the kindergarten section of the school hiding. I sat for a number of minutes, but in a second I discovered the diverse pattern of the playground. These kids were around the age of 5+ and they already had their own little groups. Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, and the same with the other cultures.

I scoffed lightly at the stunned sight. As they screamed and ran around the playground I was on a look-out for a few people, aware of everything around me. I winced as I heard a crack in my jaw due to the extreme clenching I did when I was concentrated, but it was worse because of the bruise that spread across my cheek from my eye. Whilst my head turned from side to side, it stayed immobile when I heard a voice of playful anger.

“Johnathan, do not do that or you’ll go in to the naughty corner.” The voice exclaimed at a boy who chucked sand out of the sandbox. My eyes moved to the woman. I could only see the backside of her.

She wore a red dress and had a not too curvy body. She chased after the boy as he ran around the playground snickering. He rushed to me as my eyes stayed glued to the lady. Once I saw her front, I knew she was young, she still had a little baby face and her skin was smooth and pure. However, I was stunned when I saw the rest of her skin besides the back of her legs. She had light brown skin and in less than a second I knew she came from a mixed family.

The boy held on to my knee and I smiled. The woman who seemed like she was in her early 20’s approached.

“Johnathan!” She screeched sharing a glare. Her eyes flickered to me and she playfully rolled her eyes saying a quiet sorry. I nodded and the boy, Johnathan ran off, probably expecting her to chase him, but instead she slumped down next to me, sighing. After catching her breath she looked at me oddly and asked, “Why are you here?”

Dumb-founded, I answered stupidly not comprehending exactly what she asked, “Because its school, and I go to school.”

From under her breath she muttered, “No shit,” expecting me not to hear her. “I meant here, where the kindergarteners are. You’re like 18, or were you too immature they had to send you back over here.” Surprisingly, I wasn’t offended.

Was she allowed to talk to me this way?

"I'm guessing the teens scared the rabbit out of you so you had to teach 5 year olds." I pushed back. Two can play at that game.

She scoffed and looked away, her dirty blonde hair hiding her face. "So, why are you really here?" She turned back, her hazel eyes looking back at me. Staring at them, I joked, "I have a kid here," making it look like I was serious.

"What?! Are you serious? Ew, how-" she freaked. "Actually don't answer that." I chuckled, looking back ahead of me. "Ew? I'm joking! I'm not that type."

She looked at me curiously and asked, "So what type are you?"

"Is that your way of flirting with me?" I teased, grinning. I leaned forward, my elbows against my knees whilst my head turned to look at her. "No, I'm just wondering... I don't think I've ever met a teen who wouldn't have sex and mistakenly not use a condom before they're eighteen."

"Well, you've met me now and I am eighteen... I'm also someone who hasn't sex yet." I blurted out. "Wait, I just told you I'm a virgin. Stupid." I muttered intertwining my fingers together. I couldn't believe I said that. I smiled sincerely as she giggled with cuteness and smiled back with mutual generosity. "Yeah." She replied quietly, more to herself. "So why are you really... really here? Shouldn't you be with your white friends?... No offense?" She questioned, biting her lip which I couldn't help but stare at, but I took that off my mind and focusd on our well conversation.

"I just came here to think..." I answered, trailing quieter as I said each word. Half of it being kind of true. "Because, a kids playground is a great place to think!" She exclaimed sarcastically, staring with eyes that scoffed. "Okay, okay, I'm hiding."

"From? And what's with the bruise?"

"Shallow white boys are who did this." I replied pointing to the growing bruise on my right jaw.

"You don't like your race?" She questioned tilting her head to the side in confusion. I shook my head saying, "No, I do, but I don't like people who only like their race... if you know what I mean?" I squinting, explaining my situation.

She nodded and asked, "So why did you get that bruise?"

"I'm not really liked in this school because of the way I think, if you didn't know, it's also a reason why I'm here. Pretty much explains a lot."

"Oh, So who won?" She smirked leaning her elbow on the edge of the top part of the bench.

"I, surprisingly to you, did." I smirked back, and then she clapped her hands together in an applause. She really did suit being a kindergarten teacher. She's bubbly and serious. The school bell rang and she got up from her seat. "I should go now, bye."

"Wait," I said stopping her. "What's your name?" She looked back with a glint in her eyes. "Maya, yours?" Smiling, I looked towards the kids who were lining up to go inside.

I looked back up as I was sitting down and answered with a genuine look,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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