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Kiona Vastia Envari
She/her - Age: 11 - Race: Human/Dragon Slayer - Nation: Stella
May 18, x773 - ♉️

Kiona is kinda short standing at about 5'1. She has caramel skin with long thick curly lavender blue hair. Kiona's eyes are dark, stormy, silver eyes.
Her eyes can also turn different colors like her fellow dragon slayers. It would change colors depending on her magic power ups and dragon force. She has the standard dragon slayer features.

Kiona is very soft-spoken while still not afraid of using her voice when she feels slighted or disrespected in any way. She likes wearing gold, cerulean blue, and black in honor of her family; not always together, though.

Her normal outfit is a Black cropped tank top with a long white coat with blue and black designs and hood. She also has a black skirt that comes to her mid thigh with knife holsters on her left leg. Additionally, she wears black high thighs with brown high combat boots. Kiona carries a small navy black backpack with her where every she goes, while having on a pendant given by her dragons.

Family Lore:
After Lyon's mother passed away, his father met Cordelia Envari, and they had Kiona together. Lyon's father disappeared shortly after the pregnancy was announced. Cordelia decided to move to Fiore after seeing the Nation of Stella excuse the traitorous Zash Caine and didn't want either children to be associated with the nation. Cordelia is from the Kingdom of Astrioles........ heh

Mother: Cordelia Envari
Father: ?
Brother: Lyon Vastia
- Alora Dragon of Nature (water/earth)
- Zal'Davir Dragon of Blizzards (ice/air)
- Ur a Ice Make Mage

Magic =
- Ice Creation(like ice make but with perks)
-1st generation Nature-Blizzard Dragon Slayer
Armor Requip: Polearm

Old; Cait Shelter
New; Fairy Tail

Jackal Envari
She/her - Age: 9 - Exceed {Birman breed} - Nation: Earthland's Fiore
How did they meet:
Jackal does not remember where she comes from or if she was born in Earthland or Edolas. Jackal had been wandering around Clover when she suddenly tripped in front of a royal who had taken an interest in her, deciding he wanted her as a pet for his daughter.

Kiona had heard Jackal's cries as they were trying to put her in a cage and rushed to see what the commotion was about. That day, she kicked several adult's asses and allowed Jackal to travel with her.
Jackal is a standard that exceeds size. She has Emerald green and Black fur - with the black fur being on her face, paws, and tail. Red eyes that look 'human', Jackal also has Razor sharp teeth. Both of her guild marks were on her back in a maroon red. She has a little cute red and white heartzcrux backpack with Lime and strawberry charms on it, She wears a white tank top with a tailored blue jean skirt and red belt, with a couple of silver necklaces. She has a pair of white sunglasses that she only recently started wearing more often.

Her Egg:
Is Green with a black top and bottom fading. It had various red and white embroidery on it with 3 lines in gold wrapping around it horizontally.

Fire Make
Transformation magic
Aerial Magic
Lost Magic: Ximuli Zapear le Lumos { A spell which lets her have an unlimited access to spears that she can chuck at people}
Bottomless bag spell {I think happy uses this spell bc how else would all that fish and miscellaneous items fit into his tiny sack}
Fun fact:
- As they are leaving, edolas Erza Knightwalker gifted Jackal her Alternating Pole arm, seeing as there would be no magic left to help it change forms.
- Her favorite drink is strawberries and lime smoothies, while her food is spaghetti with extra cheese
- Her favorite brand is Heartzcrux, which is the insignia Ezra, Lucy, and occasionally gray Rep. in season 1}.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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