Friends Become. . . Bestfriends, Lovers,or enimies?

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"Bri are you sure you're okay?" He asked me with complete concern in his voice.

"Yes I'm sure" Ofcourse i was lieing through my teeth but he didn't know that.

"You're lying. Whats up?" Guess i was way off.

"Why don't you go and chat it up with your girlfriend? I'm sure she's who you want to be with right now. Am i right,Elijah?"

"You're wrong Bri. You're my best friend.I love you and i'm worried for you." His voice was so sweet, i almost obliged.

"You love me, but not like how i Love you and i'm tired of getting hurt.  I'm tired of wasting my tears. I just want to get over you. I want to know why you never had feelings for me. You want to know whats wrong with me? well so do i. I want to know why I'm stuck on you. And I want to know what she has that  I don't. You want to help me then how bout you don't talk to me and don't look for me. Give me time to get over you."      With that i walked away. I walked away from the boy I've loved since 7th grade. I walked away from my best friend and I walked away with him knowing the truth. I wish I knew what happened to him. I wish I knew how he felt after i told him. I honestly wish i never walked away. I wish i didn't let 10 years pass. I wish I knew how he felt about me getting married. I wish I had my best friend back. 


"Hi Miss, what can i get for you?" Bob, the starbucks cashier asked me.

"Good morning. Can i Have a Venti Carmel Frappichino?" I asked already knowing the answer would be yes.

"Make that two,and i'll be paying" Well thats something that didn't happen every day. Maybe more like every other day. There would always be one guy that wanted to try and flirt with me and then i'd show him the engagement ring on my finger and he'd make an excuse to leave. I found it fun and flattering. But this was different, this voice was familiar and when I heard it, i automatically wanted to run into his arms and tell him everything he missed these past 10 years.

"Hi Bri, How you've been?" And i was a lost for words all i could say was "Hey Elijah."

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