The Awakening (Part 4)

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I press a frozen bag of peas against my forehead as I try to dial Chris's number. 'Straight to Voicemail AGAIN!'
I feel my head getting lighter and lighter as the pulsing intensifies.
I go through my phone again trying to find anyone who will come and get me before it's too late.
Everyone I can really rely on will take hours, and my family is states away.
Now, is one of many times I regret letting Chris isolate me from my family.
Had I known it would ever get this bad I never would've left Ypsi.

I keep scrolling until I come across Zo, one of Chris' close friends. Unlike Josh and Jordan, Zo had always been sweet and well mannered. He was always a gentleman towards me when he was around, and quiet as kept I toyed with the idea of being with him instead of Chris. I often wondered what he was doing with a friend like Chris being that he was the complete opposite of everyone in the group, but I guess you don't question character when you've known someone as long as they have.

I sit and contemplate reaching out knowing how Chris' might react, but at this point the pain is so bad anything Chris does to me won't even phase me. I call Zo, and anxiously wait for him to answer, 'Please answer, Please answer'
3 rings in and still no answer.
Tears roll down my face as the pain increases. I try to call a few more times and still no luck. 'Maybe he's busy. I'll text him instead'
Queen: Zo please pick up!!!
Queen: I'm in a lot of pain.. I need to get to the hospital
Queen: Please Don't Tell Chris

Before I could call one more time,my head spins and I hit the floor. The gash on my head starts to leak and I can't get the bleeding to stop. The chills set in and the room grows dark. 'It's too late, this is it.' I hold my stomach and cry, "Mommy's so sorry CJ" I whisper before closing my eyes.

Beeeeep "MOVE BITCH!!!!" I scream, fighting my way through the traffic. I get stuck behind a mom van and bang the steering wheel.
"Drive Yo Ass On!"

I merge in front of everyone on the right and try to call Queen back, and she's not answering any of my calls.
I call an ambulance as I exit the freeway just in case she needs help. I pull into the driveway and start banging on the front door. After a few seconds of no reply I kick the door in and enter the house.
"QUEEN!" I yell as I frantically search around the house. I race up the stairs and see the bedroom door open with peas and a trail of blood across the floor.

I find Queen laying there in a pool of her own blood with a bruised eye and a busted lip.
My heart drops and my voice shakes as I kneel down beside her.
I place two fingers on the side of her neck and can feel her pulse moving very slowly. 

I lift her head and apply pressure to her gash hoping to stop her from bleeding. "Q-Queen! Queen!"
I shake her pleading for her to at least open her eyes or something.
"Queen come on Ma, hang in there. I-I got help coming for you."
I rock her head in arms and rub her thigh with my other hand,
I need to keep her here, I can't lose her
like this.

I scream hoping the neighbors or somebody will hear me.
I start to cry at the thought of her not making it. I hold her tight and kiss her forehead."Come On Queen stay with me, pull through for Cj please."
I never should've let Chris get close to her.

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