The Awakening (Part 6)

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They take Queen down the stairs and out the door. I can barely see her chest moving but I know she's breathing from the fog filling the mouth piece
of her oxygen mask.
"I'm right behind you Queen!"
I yell as the officers push me out the door and sit me on the sidewalk.
By this time the news and two more squad cars had arrived,
and there were people everywhere.
Investigators had arrived on the scene to collect evidence.
They were really about to start building a case against me! 
But somehow, none of that mattered to me at all.  I just wanted Queen and Cj to pull through.

A hand grips my shoulder disrupting me from my thoughts,
"What are you doing here son?
Why do they have you in cuffs?"
Says a familiar voice.
I lift my head only to see my uncle, the chief of police standing above me.
"Unc I swear I didn't do shit!', I spit
'Queen hit me and said she needed help.  When I got here, she was on the floor all bloody and beat up.
I was just trying to help her .
I'd never hurt Queen Unc, I love her."
" I believe you, but is there any evidence that can prove you're not guilty?"
"Yeah I got the messages in my phone, her's is up there, and I think they got cameras."

"Alright wait here",
my Uncle C walks away and tells the other offers to hold off on taking me as he goes to search inside the house.
After 15 minutes he comes back outside with rage in his eyes.
"Who the fuck made this arrest?" He yells causing an eerie silence amongst the officers.
"It was that nigga right there, with the tight ass pants. The Briggs mothafucka"
I grimace as I look in his direction.
"Why was excessive force used on this suspect when he clearly complied to everything you asked without hesitation or any sign of resistance?"

Briggs stood there sweating like shit.
"I..I.. was afraid Sir,"
"Afraid of what?
What threat did he pose other than concern for the young lady?
Which you mothafuckas completely IGNORED"
"We we got a call,"
"Oh I heard the call, he called asking for help for her.
And you half ass helped.
You have potentially put two lives in danger tonight because of your bullshit!
Did you at least read him his rights?"
"Well I.." Briggs stutters
I blurt out.
"Don't lie Bitch you ain't read me shit. And I know my mothafuckin rights, you ain't say No shit like what you was supposed to say"
"I'm tired of your shit Briggs,meet me at the station and be ready to hand over your badge."

My uncle C, was a cold nigga.
He had been appointed the youngest chief in Houston police history, and was never the one to fuck with.
He was smooth with his shit and everyone respected him.
He was the only father figure I had growing up due to my Pops being in prison, he had drilled the values of the police force into me as a kid and made sure I didn't forget. Without him I wouldn't be the man I am today.

"Somebody get me some keys"
Uncle C uncuffs me and helps me up
"Don't worry about it Son,
I'll take care of all this.
But I do need you to meet me at the station in the morning
if you have any information
about who might've done this."
"I know you're concerned about your friend. 
I'll send a car behind you so you can follow them."

The doors close and the sirens blare shortly before the ambulance pulls off.
"Don't stress, she'll be fine"
Uncle C pats me on the back and walks over to one of the cars.
"Follow my son, make sure he gets to the young lady SAFELY, turn your lights on"
"Yes Sir"
I hop in my whip and drive as fast as
I can to catch up to the ambulance
in one piece.
I pull out my phone and call Jordan. This shit is unbelievable.

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