The Awakening (Part 5)

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The sky changes colors as I sit in the hotel parking lot going through my notifications.
My shit been going crazy ever since I posted Parker as my Woman Crush Wednesday.
All Queen's little Royalty Squad fans going crazy, tagging her like she can see it, little do they know she's blocked and can't see shit that I post.
I reach in the backseat for my duffle bag when an alarm on my phone goes off.
The security system at the house is alerting me. I check in confusion because I know Queen didn't leave the house.
I check the security footage and it's this mothafucka Zo kicking down my door. 'Why the fuck is this nigga at my house? Kicking down doors and shit?
And why the fuck Queen aint..
Ohhh shit Queen!'

I scroll between cameras and see Queen laid out bleeding by her head in the middle of the floor. She pissed me off earlier but I didn't want to kill her. I panic as I think of what I should do.
I can't show up now because then they'll know it was me, especially if Jordan nosy ass opens his mouth about our conversation.
Only one thing left to do.
I pick up my phone and make a call,
"911 what is your emergency?"
"Uhh uh yeah. *Cough* Excuse me, my name is Chris. Chris Sails and uhh I think somebody just broke into my house. My wife is there and she's not answering the phone can y'all send someone to check on her?"
"Sure, what's the address?
"2835 W. Clay"
"Alright we're sending a unit right away."
"Thank you."
"No problem Sir"
I hang up and call Antonio, one of the most notorious niggas from my old hood.
"Aye nigga you comin tonight right?"
"Yeah wassup?"
"Bring some extra heat, we might need it."
"Say Less."
The line clicks and I sit in shock.
'Did I really just set up my man and kill my wife and child.'
I grab my bag and get out,
Oh well, too deep to turn back now.
By the time they find out imma be far away from this bitch.

'POLICE!!' I turn and see lights flashing and loud sirens blaring from outside.

The police come in the room with their guns drawn,
I frown at them in anger,
"Yo the fuck I ain't do this shit! I'm the one who called yah!"
I gently lay Queen's head on my lap and put my hands up.
"Can someone FUCKING HELP HA! She's Pregnant!"
One of the five officers goes into the hall and motions for the paramedics to come upstairs, while another yanks me up, slams me on the wall and cuffs me causing Queen's head to hit the floor.

"Yo watch her fucking head!"
"Shut the fuck up!!"
He screams as he pressed my head into the wall.
"Yall got the wrong nigga!
I came in here and found her like this. She was callin' me to come help her, check my phone I swear to God."
The officers ignore me and keep their guns pointed at me until the paramedics come into the room.
I try to turn my head so I can see what they're doing to Queen.

They check for a pulse, before lifting her onto the stretcher and her body is lifeless.
I start crying again "She's pregnant hurry the fuck up! She's anemic, she's losin' too much blood."
"Sir, we're just following protocol"
"Fuck protocol! Do your fucking job! Ain't y'all supposed to be emergency?"

"TURN AROUND!" The officer slams me again and busts my lip on the wall.
"Yo why the fuck you doing all this?"
"We got a phone call from the owner of this house. Said you're trespassing and put hands on his lady. Looks to me like you had a good time kicking the door in, and his lady definitely seems battered over there, you better hope she makes it cuz if not. You're looking at a lottt of time."

'CHRIS! That bitch ass nigga!'

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