Authors Note

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Authors Note
Hello everyone!

I have no hate in anything. I myself as a person. So please don't try to say anything about it.
A request as myself to try something new, hope you like it.
Not representation of Muslims! It's how it is now a days but with a lot of drama!

I wrote this a while ago and unpublished it. It didn't feel right so I guess I wanted it back.

Just enjoy and read.

Could you all also comment? I don't need you to add this to your reading list, vote or even follow me. I like to know what you all think and communicate with you.


I don't have any attentions of doing anything. It is just what I thought and I'm going to make it. Random tensions of Suicide, Depressed thoughts, Cutting and others more. Please if it is uncomfortable then you can stop reading it. And for the most part it might be cringe!


"I thought Muslims wear hijabs."I turned to look at him with an annoyed look.

"Well you thought wrong."I told him as I turn back to where I was going, back on my feet.

"And that's why Muslims like you push Other Muslims not to do things they want."I stopped and hold shirt tight with a fist.


Almas Yasmeen Khan. An Afghan Muslim who doesn't wear hijab and believes Allah is everything to her. She's devoted to Islam and she loves being who she is.

Zak Ali Isa. An Arabian Muslim who's dedicated to his Islamic beliefs. He believes that Women covering their beauty describes closeness to Allah.

When both meet, he doesn't know who she is? Thinking she's White, he doesn't say anything. When he finds out, will he take it seriously or forget it?


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