Chapter 2

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To say that economics class was boring would be more of a lie than Zoe saying that she doesn't like Asher Stevens. What did I do to have to sit in a seat that is bound to break at any moment and listen to Ms. Lovejoy talk about the economy and stocks and crap?

I have a 10 minute break before lunch starts and I am taking this time to head to my locker to put down my books and then find an empty room to try to rid myself of all the information I just learned from economics. I have locker 235. When I told Zoe this she said that I was lucky, but she refused to tell me why and that I will find out. Apparently, I will shit my pants.

I open up my locker and put in my books and ready my books for AP bio for me to take when I am ready. After lunch, I have a free period and I am going to use that time to probably roam around the school or, my favorite idea, leave the school.  As I am putting my books in my locker, I hear chatter nearing where I am. I look over to the source of the noise and I see none other than The Dynamic Duo: Issac Evans and Asher Stevens. They are chatting to themselves and haven't recognized me yet.

Is there a way for me to hide in my locker? Damn these lockers for being small. Smaller than me. That's a first.

I take a deep breath already dreading the upcoming encounter that is inevitable.

Maybe he doesn't have the locker next to mine. Maybe he has one down the hallway.

Who the fuck am I kidding? The chances are quite small that he has a locker down the hall. This is what happens all the time in those teen romance books and movies. But instead I am punching the boy in the face not kissing him.

I turn all my attention to something in my locker and make myself look busy. Issac and Asher's conversation stops just as they are right behind me. Both boys go on my right. Asher goes to a locker 2 down from mine, but Issac stops at one right next to mine:236.

I look to my right and I see Issac leaning against his locker looking at me with his intense grey eyes that when you just look into them you wonder how could such a dark color belong to the eyes of such a bright and lively person.

"If it isn't the girl who never smiles?" He says with a smirk on his face.

"Last time I checked that isn't my name and it isn't on my birth certificate."

"Then what it is your name? You know mine. It should only be fair that I know yours."


His eyes widen in shock. "Woahhh slow your roll, I didnt even ask you out on a date. I'm not your bae. Is this your way of telling me you want to go on a date? I'm quite flattered." A smile forms on his face and his grey eyes dance with laughter and mischief. A small smile threatens to come to my face and it slowly shows on my face and I shake my head.

"I did it! I made you smile, it was small, but I saw it!" He fist pumps the air and I look at him with one of my eyebrows raised.

I close my locker with my lunch in my hand.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." I say and walk past him and to the lunchroom.


"Ewww. Who eats pistachio ice cream anymore" I fake gag and then scoop up some of my ice cream and put it in my mouth.

"Oh come on! Pistachio ice cream is the shit. Its so good!" she says and then puts the green gunk in her mouth.

"It isn't the shit. It is shit." I try to stifle my laughs for her sake, but they just come out in snorts. Zoe growls at me and then continues eating her 'ice cream'. The ice cream shop door bell rings and the door opens and closes. I look toward the door and I inwardly groan at the unfortunate sight I am forced to see. 

You have got to be kidding me.

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