Chapter 14

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My favorite times of the year is when it rains. Rain is the most magnificent thing I have ever seen. It looks like shiny crystals falling from the sky through a dark storm. I usually feel joyful when it rains, well that's when I am not crying.


That's someone who loves rain.

But my reason for loving rain is quite different from others. I love the rain because when I am crying, no one can hear me. No one will hear me be weak or break down and show that I really am broken inside. Scratch that, I'm not broken. I am shattered. My thoughts constantly haunt me. My own conscience is my enemy and I cant rid myself of it. When it rains, I can drown in the rain, not my thoughts.

For once, I don't have to cry alone.

"Ms. Stewart!" a nasally voice yells snapping me out my thoughts. I look away from the window that's giving me a perfect display of the beautiful rain and to the blond haired teacher up front.

"Is the rainy day outside more interesting than my lesson?!"


"No Ms. Francis." I lie and she glares at me one last time before returning to her lesson on the history of colors.

Art is the most boring class I have to endure throughout the day beside math. I find it quite irrelevant in my opinion. If you are interested in art, then take the class, but if not, then I think we shouldn't take it and take another class instead. I have to put up with Ms. Francis's nasally voice every morning. The real art is what is displayed outside: rain.

When the class is over, I go straight to my locker to put my stuff away and take out my lunch. I wait at my locker for Issac to come. He emerges from around the hallway and when his eyes land on mine, a smile spreads on his face. When he reaches to me, he embraces me in a hug. I hug him back briefly and then pull away.

"Hello kind friend Bay"

"Hello obnoxious friend Issac" I say with an innocent smile on my face.

"If you didn't pair that off with a smile, I would be tickling you by now. Oh and by the way 17" he says and opens his locker.

"Do you have a journal where you just copy down how many times I smile? Because I am getting creeped out." I honestly don't have a problem with it to be honest. It's flattering. I just like teasing Issac about it.

"I have no journal. Just good memory and a liking for when a particular girl's smile"

"Really? I wonder who this girl may be..."

"Hmm how to describe an angel?" He asks and looks up in the air and hums. He then looks back down at me and says, "Brown skin, long curly brown hair, a very fierce and formidable young woman, snappy attitude, and a very pre-possessing smile."

Why is my heart beating so fast and why does my stomach feel fluttery?

"Don't have a clue who you are talking about." I say and clutch my books close to my chest.

"Really?" he asks with an enchanting smile places on his face. He moves closer to me and I lean against the locker next to mine unable to peel my eyes against his grey eyes that are a few shades darker than normal. He stands right in front of me and looks at me with his intense grey eyes. My breathing becomes scattered and I struggle to take a breath without it coming out raggedly. He leans even closer, our breaths mingling together and he rests his hand against the locker besides me.

"You really don't know who I am talking about?"

I shake my head no.

My heart is beating so hard against my chest, I am afraid that Issac will hear it because we are so close. Time seems to slip away from my conscience along with the noise from my peers in the hallways and the watchful glances of people curious about Issac and I's friendship. All I can focus on is him.

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