Chapter 8

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In case you don't remember:

Taraf is Max's girlfriend and the doctor

Stevie is Siva's wife

Nikki is Jay's girlfriend

And Sabz is Tom's girlfriend (Lexi didn't meet her)

Remember to vote, comment, share, follow and check out my works. 

"Well... I should go get ready for the show." Nathan said after a few seconds of me gawking at him, mouth open and eyes wide in shock. I was still stunned by what he had said, I couldn't even comprehend how he could feel such things after everything I had done. Then for him to dismiss everything he had just said by leaving just baffled me even more. Whilst I tried to wrap my head around things, he stood up to leave, his face still showing no emotion as if he hadn't said anything groundbreaking or worth thinking about.

"Well I think we should just talk about what you just said." I followed suit in standing up before sprinting over to him quickly to stop him before he could walk away. I couldn't quite believe my ears, did I hear him right? He should hate me, he seemed as if he did only hours before, how could he say that he loved me? How could he love me, how could anyone? Any confidence I had once had about myself had diminished over the past few years. Of course, having someone as attractive as Nathan finding you appealing was a big ego boost but then Alex reduced my confidence by calling me awful things. So for me to even be considered to be lovable seemed to be very wrong. 

"What else is there to say?" He asked whilst shrugging, he may as well have told me before that he was going to buy some apples with the way that he was behaving, as if he'd said nothing of any significance. It was something important to me though, I hadn't had time to contemplate a relationship with Nathan in the future but that didn't mean that I wanted to rule it out as an option, I was certainly up for discussing the matter. 

"I don't know... What if I have something to say?" At that point I was scrambling for things to say, I couldn't actually think of anything that I should tell him but I wanted at least to get him to realise how ridiculous he was being. I told myself that if I wasn't going to run then I'd at least have to hold my ground and make it clear that I had control over the situation, I was not going to be helpless again.

"Oh well fire away then." He stepped backwards and gestured towards me as if to say 'go ahead'. His smart answer caught me off guard and I could feel my thoughts melting away when they should be assembling some witty remark. I was usually pretty good at speaking on the spot because that's literally my day job but at that moment in time, my brain was blank and I didn't want to open my mouth due to the risk of sounding like a bumbling idiot. 

"Erm..." I said, stretching the word out for a good few seconds before Nathan interrupted me. I'd hoped that an idea would have hit me in that time but it just emphasised to me how empty of thoughts my head was.

"Precisely. See you after the show." He said quickly before shooting me an uncharacteristic wink. In the time that I had spent with Nathan, I had never thought him to be at all cheeky or cocky although I suppose people change. He turned to head back in the direction we had originally come from but paused and pointed towards the door that I knew lead to the girlfriends. Wonderful. 

"Oh. Go through there." He said simply before turning and walking away leaving me alone in what I had imagined to be a bustling arena. I knew that being surrounded by a hoard of other people would make me uncomfortable but at that time, I craved the feeling of being around others and being able to blend away into the crowd. 

I wondered back towards the chair I had been sat in sunk back down into it and rubbed my temples with my fingers whilst I tried to comprehend what had just happened. Had I imagined that? Had I imagined the whole day, was it some sort of twisted nightmare? I quickly dismissed that thought because it felt all too real and everything he had said was beyond anything I could have made up. After a few minutes of trying to calm myself down and put what was said behind me since I wouldn't be able to talk that out for another few hours. 

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