Chapter 29

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I told you guys a while back that I was going to do a few buildup of relationship chapters before moving on to what I've planned and I've run out of ideas. This will be the last chapter of the buildup and it's just going to be short, the next chapter will be extremely short too. I know it has been a while since something exciting has happened so hopefully you'll enjoy it. 

Also, I only have the epilogue left to write so... When would you like your double updates to be? I could do a Sunday so you get it immediately or like a midweek thing so you don't have too long to wait. Let me know!

Remember to vote, comment, share and follow.

2 months later

"So how do you feel?" Sarah asked. It had been just under a month since I had seen her last although she had called me a few times since then. I still didn't like her fully but she was slowly winning me around. That particular question had always filled me with dread because it was such a stupid question. Surely, if a person was forced to attend therapy sessions, you could assume that they were not feeling particularly great. That question always lead to lies, saying how I was fine, followed by the emotional breakdown only minutes later when the deeper questions were asked. 

"I'm as happy as I can be, I think." I said. As much as I willed the corners of my mouth to remain pointing downwards, I could help but smile at my own small accomplishment. I honestly didn't think that I would be able to honestly say that sentence for a much longer time so the fact that I could gave me so much self-pride.

"Are you still on edge or worried about Nathan?" She asked, getting to the question that was the main issue. I could be happy but still anxious and those feelings were destructive if not dealt with so she had to ask. 

"Not so much, no. He knows not to raise his voice so I don't really get scared." I told her, this statement was true as Nathan continued to censor himself to ensure that he didn't pt a foot wrong. 

"Any nightmares?" She asked, going through what seemed to be a checklist of questions she needed to ask. Usually she'd take notes but this time all I could make out was the sound of the pen drawing a tick every now and again. 

"At least one every two weeks. They're not as intense as they used to be." I told her. It had come as a pleasant surprise to find that the frequency and intensity of my nightmares had lowered over time. Now I could sleep normally and then deal with them if and when they came rather than panicking every night at the thought of another one. 

"That's expected. As delicate and difficult your situation is, it is a blessing in disguise. Nathan's pains became your first priority and whilst your problems never left you, they were put on the back burner. Most people's lives are completely consumed by what has happened to them and it's so hard for them to forget and progress but you've been so distracted that you've already started to forget. You'll never not remember what happened but the clarity of the memory is slowly digressing and with that, I can only hope that you will get better and live as good of a life you can. On that note, I'm signing you off." Sarah explained.

"Excuse me?" I asked, I hadn't entirely grasped what she was trying to say but I did have an idea although I decided to not think much about it in fear that I would get myself excited and then disappointed.

"As of this day, Lexi Greene, you are no longer obligated to attend therapy sessions and therefore you shall be taken off the vulnerable person list. For good, I hope." She explained. I could tell that she was attempting to remain professional but her excitement got the better of her and she was so clearly happy for me.

"I don't have to attend therapy anymore?" I clarified, just to make sure that I hadn't misconstrued anything that she had said. 

"I was discussing this with your previous psychotherapist, Miranda, and we both agreed that the amount of progress you have made given your situation is unheard of. Your fight to overcome this is unbelievable and I can't think of anything else I can do to help you anymore. Of course, you can see me if you ever feel as if you need to but I sincerely hope that I never have to see you as a professional ever again." She told me.

I was relieved to know that she had talked to Miranda and that two experts thought that I was ready because personally, I wasn't sure if I was. It's similar to when someone you haven't seen in a while says you've grown but you don't see it because you see yourself everyday. I'd dealt with my situation every day and whilst I knew that I had made improvements, I couldn't really gauge how much had been made. 

I said goodbye to Sarah, gave her a hug and thanked her for everything that she had done. The walk out of the building felt poignant and whilst I hadn't been visiting that particular building for over two years, it was still potentially the last time that I would ever leave a psycotherapist's office. It was an amazing feeling to have.

I called Nathan to come pick me up since he had dropped me off and told me to call him when I was done. Of course, he had anticipated that I would take much longer than I did and although he didn't say anything, I could tell that he was quite suspicious when I got into the car and just told him that the session was fine. I wasn't sure how to tell him. Part of me didn't want to because I wanted him to be as happy as I was and if he wasn't then I would be extremely disappointed. Everyone wants other people to share their excitement or enthusiasm and it's always so sad when a person who matters doesn't.

We got home and Nathan noticed immediately how unintentionally quiet I was acting. I could tell from the expression on his face that he was expecting the worse and for the session to have gone badly, for me to have taken steps backwards. 

 "What's wrong?" He asked, not bothering to hide how suspicious and nervous he was.

"What?" I tried playing the fool in the hopes that he would let things slide so that I could keep a hold of my silly secret for just a little bit longer. I wanted to relish in happiness more just in case that feeling left me anytime soon.

"You look like you want to tell me something." He said, persisting as per usual.

"Sarah said that I don't need to go to see her anymore, that my progress is encouraging enough for me not to need to anymore." I told him slowly, watching his face expression the whole time to try and see what he was thinking. To my delight, his face lit up. He was clearly surprised, just as I was, but he appeared to be very happy about the news. 

"Lexi that's fantastic!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms around me and shockingly, I didn't flinch which proved to myself that maybe I was ready to stop going. 

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered into my ear and I become so overcome with emotion that it was difficult to hold back the happy tears. 

"It's all because of you, you know." I told him quietly when we pulled away from each other. Turning away very quickly to wipe my eyes to ensure that no stray tears made their way down my face.

"No-" Nathan began, shaking his head in disagreement. 

"Before you came back into my life, I'd made some progress but it was hardly anything considering how long it had been. When you turned up, everything turned around. I'll admit that to begin with it was just an act so that I could get you back on track but eventually I didn't need to fake it anymore because you made me genuinely happy." I pulled him back into a hug and placed a kiss on his lips, feeling all my worried melt away as our bubble reformed. 

Things were looking up. 






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