Chapter 8

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Tori POV

"Hey Mark." Mark is a 28 years old guy who are kind of asset in this small town. He always help many old townsman with their field chores along with other five troubled teenagers he recruited from this town. He came to this town 2 years ago and being loved by all the townsfolk. He was friendly but never told anyone about his background or the reason he moved here. All we know that he was an orphan, so the townsfolk practically accept him as their child.

"Hey Sheriff," Mark greeted me. "Jeremy." We nodded to each other. "Let me show you where I found him."

"Okay, lead the way."

We arrived in the middle of wide grass field. Secluded place. No building or tree in our view. Not even cattle that Sam raised. At the ground there it is, Old Sam body, He laid on his stomach wearing his grey checkered shirt and old jeans. I squat beside his and start to examine. His hunting rifle is beside him near his left hand. Hmm that's weird. I examined further and there is blood at the back of his head. Looks like a blunt trauma. I look at his hand. There are some skin and blood in his nail. At his neck, there are some bruises.

Oh poor Sam. Who the fuck did this to him?

"Jeremy. Give me your camera. And med kit" Jeremy rush to give what i want. I start to take all the evidence in scene. Swap under his nail to give it to forensic I know in big city. I stand and looks around looking for something that should be here, murder weapon.

"Jeremy, send this body to Dr. Isles, let her examine it. And put a police line here, this is murder scene."

Jeremy eyes widen as he got exited. The boy did well for not puking on his first dead body.

"Yes sheriff!" he saluted me.

I turn my gaze to Mark, and I thought I saw some anguish there, but he changed his face so fast, I must be wrong. "Mark, can you take me back to his house?"

"Sure sheriff," Mark smiled.

I opened the door of Sam ranch house, the first thing I noticed is it smells. It sickening sweet of orange. I stepped in and take a pictures of the living room. This is just small ranch house with 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, and kitchen at the back. The master room is separated upstairs.

This is strange. I never know Sam is a clean guy type. The living room is just to clean. I sweep my finger on the coffee table, not dusty at all.

"Mark, stay here. Don't go in." He nodded.

I follow my guts upstairs. Checking the master bedroom. Yup, Sam is definitely not a clean guy at all. Master bedroom is a mess. Clothes clattered on the floor, cigarette buds, and alcohol bottles scattered. This room smell awful. I close the door and go back downstairs.

"Is Sam living with someone Mark?"

"Not that I know off, but occasionally some helpers can sleep in this house."

"Where were you last night?"

"I was with Cassandra at the bar all night." He smirked. All know Mark have a thing for Cassandra the bar owner, she is older in her forty but looks young for her ages.

I need to double check later with Cassandra and see if people in the bar saw them.

"Okay, thanks for your help. You may go, but I may contact you again later." I smiled.

"Okay sheriff, glad I could help."

I walked to my car and started the engine. One thing I'm sure of is the living room in the house is the real crime scene. But who killed the old man and why? I looked up the sky and see it was past noon. Suddenly I remember about sexy dark hair woman in my cell and my stomach churn. I forgot to give her food since morning. And me too. My stomach growling. I groaned. Then start driving to near diner to buy take out.

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Sorry for reading through my awful grammar. xD

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