Chapter 5

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Was it a dream? When I opened my eyes and saw her face so close to me, my body lost to paralized. I couldn't move. She was so close, her body rested against me.

Soon I felt very wet and aroused. Somehow managed to still breathing, hardly. She looks so beautiful, breathtaking I must say.

She jumped and talked something about water. Sure I can managed some water. My throat felt so dry. I see her move outside my cell and grab some glass and fill it with water from the small kitchen next to this room. I quickly looking somewhere else when she walks back to my cell, not wanting to get caught for staring. I blushed.

"Here is your water hon." She offer me the glass. Our finger brushed lightly but I ignore the tingling feeling.

"Why don't you tell me what is your dream about? You seemed to have a nightmare."

I gulped my water down.

She looking at me intensely. I'm not sure what i'm gonna tell her. I'm embarrassed to tell her that i dreamed about my parent disowned me. Unless it was not a dream. I decided to bluff.

"Ah it nothing really, must be stress cause this is my first time in jail after all." I flashed her my smile, "Umm hey can I smoke here? I could use some for relaxing. You know."

She look at me for a while moment, looks like her mind pondering something.

"That's a bad habit young lady. And No. You can't smoke while in there," she finally said.

I pouted.


"Still no." she grinned.

"You are one strange sheriff, you know that." I tease her. "One time you are caressing me and next you are just evil."

"Well somebody need to stick to the rules, right?"

I just glare at her.

"And if you be nice, maybe you'll get your supper."

"I'm not hungry." I said while staring at her. "I'm hungry for something else."

I swear I see her blushing to my comment.

"Sure. Suit yourself," she smirked and walk off from my cell.

I groaned.


The night came. It is already 9 o'clock. I still in my cell. Still locked up while watching her eating some chinese food she ordered an hour ago. She teasing me with her food. Not knowing she looks deliciously sexy putting all that noodles into her mouth with chopsticks. My stomach growl shamefully.

"Do you want some?" she asked for the five time.

Keeping my pride, I shaking my head still. I've lost my appetite hours ago. I have big appetite for something else, something that have sheriff include in it.

"I could use some shower if you don't mind."

I'm thinking of cold shower to wash away my dirty thoughts.

"My body is all sticky from all sweat. Is it always that hot in here?"

"It is not that bad when you used to it. Fred doesn't mind it at all," she said while pointing to cute dog near the door.

She walk out from her desk and open my door cell. She shifted a bit to make space for me to walk.

"I'll show you the shower, its in the back of building. Come on."

This town sheriff is sure carefree. I'm sure no other sheriff care about a prisoner this much.


Walking side by side with her is surely challenging. All I can think about is put her against a wall and kiss her. Tasting lips that has been teasing me all day.

I know I shouldn't think like that to a person who I just met today, but not everyday you met a person as beautiful and sexy as her. Plus my hormones is acting up cause its been so long since I get laid.

Let's get this straight, I'm a lesbian. You all can figure that much huh? My parents disowned me because of it. I'm really heartbroken because of it cause I really love my parents. You see, my father is a pastor. So yeah, when I came out to them I figure there will be yelling, but I never thought I get disowned.

Suddenly I felt touch on my back, waking me from my thoughts.

Tori placed her hand in the small of my back, sending tons and tons of tiny needle to my spine.

"Okay here you go." "Get inside."

She looks at me with amused smile on her eyes.

We get inside and she locks the door behind me.

I look at her questionably.

I take a look at a small room at the back of main building with a changing room and lockers. There is small window on top of the lockers, fit enough for small person to get through it. The shower in the right and the lockers is in left side. There is a bench in the middle of the room. The thing is the shower is made of glass. You can see right through it glass.

I glanced at her,"Okay now you can go sheriff. Thanks."

She remain silence.

"Um. Sheriff?"

"Just quickly do your business honey, I must stay here."

"Can you give me some privacy?"

"You must remember you are a prisoner right?"

"Can a prisoner have some privacy? I won't try to escape."

"Yeah, they all said that."

"Hurry up. We don't have all night. After all we are all women, what are you shy about?" she smirked.

I can't believe this woman. The thought of showing my body in front of her is just huge embarrassment for me. Well sorry for being introvert and shy. I never show my body to people even to my mom, well I lost my virginity to a random beautiful woman at bar and do it in my drunken state and it was dark in her apartment. Yeah I'm pathetic I know.

Now this gorgeous woman want me to strip naked in front of her? So be it. I groaned.

I walk to the bench in the middle while she standing there guarding the door. When I turned, I met her gaze. I shivered. If look could kill I'll die right now.

I start removing my tank top and just put it on the bench. I stole a glance at her. Yup she still staring at me! Can you believe it?! This woman have no shame at all. I blushed furiously. I remove my short jeans slowly and that leaving me only in my lace underwear. My skin flush bright pink the moment I unclasp my bra. I heard sharp breath from her side. I cleared my throat. The air around us so thick I need to get this done quickly.

I removed my underwear fast and then run to shower stall. Feeling every bit of her stare at my back in my skin.

I can't believed this woman!  I turned up the faucet and let the cold water running from above, small droplets of water hitting my face and hair. Cold shower supposed to decreased your libido. But now is the opposite! This is unreal.

As the water running through my body, instead feeling cold my body felt warmer. It really have to do with the woman who are standing in the back leaning so casually on the wall. As much my introvert self curse internally, at the same time I felt.. sexy. Knowing someone so beautiful watched every nook of my body make me felt thrilled. Am I developing a kinky exhibitionist stuff? God.


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