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How To Be A Detective




Rianne Kerwin Martin (Ra-yan Ker-win Mar-tin)

Kiraco Marra Martin (Krey-ko Ma-ra Mar-tin)


• Antonio Terrence Vargas (An-ton-yo Te-renz Var-gas)

• Draco Alhierbiceoun Richardson (Drey-ko Ar-bye-kyoo Ri-chard-sun)

• Julius Philippe Castillo (Jul-yus Fi-lip Kas-til-yo)



August 08, 2018

June 23, 2019



This story is made of fiction from the author's deepest imagination. The written names, events, and other information are not real. If some are seen or known to be similar somewhere, it is just a full coincidence.

This story is an original work by Seonnie. Please do not repost, translate, or rewrite without the owner's permission.





Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the brightest of them all?
Will I know, or will I not?
If I met her, will I face a great fall?

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the dangerous of them all?
Would fate send her or I will attract?
When there is trouble, it is someone's plan.

Indeed a strange surrounding, too big to call it mine. Too young to explore it entirely, and too oblivious to see through the walls painted very well. I am no greater nor less than ordinary, I am not in the middle as well. I don't know myself that much, I am still confused about me. Who knows what else can I do once I learn about myself even more than I do these days.

Have you met someone you randomly find odd that it makes you feel so uneasy in an unknown way? It must be unusual to meet someone so strange yet normal to the image that the world sees in them. Someone whose looks can give you a hint of danger. Someone who's terribly seasoned with intelligence, attention to her surroundings, and frightening vibe.

She's not normal, she's not ordinary. She sees farther than the horizon, your hidden phrases won't stay hidden. But she's just like us, it's just that she can always blend in, wherever she is. She's no shape shifter, but she can always do her roles like nothing happened. She can be anything, maybe that's the reason why you can never read her. She's someone who's terribly scary, a know-it-all in a strange way.

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