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Dan's POV

My face was currently smushed in a pillow as Phil was shaking me awake. I groaned and tried slapping his hands away from my shoulders.

"Get up! This is actually important!!" He said and I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"What?" I asked, yawning.

"You would not believe who just texted me!!"



I paused. He was talking about (y/n) from high school right? I hadn't seen her in years. She was one of the first girls I actually fell in love with. But, the last time I saw her she had been moving to New York and I had treated her horribly before she left, telling her to never speak to me again. Did she really want to meet up with me?

"Are you serious?" I asked. "(Y/n) (l/n)?"

"Yes!! She texted me saying she lives in London now and that she had gotten my number from Zoe. I can't wait to see what she looks like!!" He enthused. "Now take a shower we've got an hour to get there."

"Wait, she's back from school?"

"Of course, she's done. It's been a long while Dan." It had.

I stood up, Phil ushering me to the bathroom. My god this was a weird feeling, almost like it wasn't truly sinking in. Why had she texted Phil and not me? Probably because she thinks I hate her. Or worse, she hates me. I began to relive the old high school days from when I used to be her petty bully up to my unbelievably painful crush on her.

I wondered what she looked like. Had she kept her short hair or grown it out like she had it for all that time throughout school? Had New York treated her nice? I wondered all the changes physical or mental within her, but I could only hope she was the same person.

When we met, would she want a hug? Would she talk to me? As my thoughts drones on and I stepped out of the shower I realized I was beginning to think like my old self, heavily conscious of my moves towards (y/n). It felt like I was still crushing on her. Of course I wasn't, it's been so many years, and it's probably the shock of thinking about her after so long.

I should be nervous, I'm the one who was so rude to her before she left.

I got dressed and headed down the stairs to get breakfast. Or rather, lunch. I fixed something quick as I realized the time was running out. The panic of being late started to set in and Phil and I were frantically running around.

"Dan where are my shoes?!"

"In your hands Phil! Have you seen the keys?"

"By the door," I snatched the keys realizing that it was already 1 and we should be there. Phil shoved me out the door and we hurried down the stairs. It took us a hot minute to catch a cab and one we got in I could barely control myself.

This was (y/n). What if I embarrass myself? Would she laugh it off? Were we ever still friends?

"Looks like an accident, this will take a while," the driver said and I felt the urge to panic. I glanced out the window at a smashed car and others backed up for at least 2 blocks. Shit.

"I'll text her," Phil said. I watched over his shoulder.

We're stuck in traffic, afraid we'll be a little late. So sorry.

For the next 5 minutes, I began to panic, as (y/n) hadn't responded. What if she thought we ditched her or she didn't see the message?

"Phil do you think she actually wants to see me again?"

"Yeah, why do you think she doesn't?"

"Don't you remember all the horrible stuff I said and called her before she left? I was a dick." He paused, trying to recall and seemed to remember.

"Well, she most likely thinks your mad at her, all throughout that time she just missed you, she was never mad. She probably just really wants to see you, but she's nervous," he said and I sat back.

"But I was so horrible to her," I said.

"(Y/n) doesn't hold grudges. Don't you remember she forgave you for bullying her when she said she never would?" He pointed out.

"She really was the worst at holding grudges."

"Especially when it came to you," Phil said.


"You didn't notice? She usually couldn't stay mad at you she liked you so much."

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yes, you were honestly one of her favorite people. She was so happy you didn't hate her anymore and she got to know you," he said. "I wouldn't be surprised if she liked you as much as you liked her."

I sat back in my seat. I was one of her favorite people? I remember she was willing to film with me, even though she didn't really want to be on camera.

I took that video down when I was pissed at her.

"Dan, you shouldn't worry, you should be excited. She wants to see you I promise," he said, smiling at me. I nodded and watched out the window.

"I'm afraid now that she'll think we stood her up. Has she responded?" Phil shook his head and I tapped my foot. We finally passed traffic at 1:52 and I felt completely awful. Sitting in traffic for almost 45 minutes while she sat there in the square all by herself.

We pulled up right at 2:06 and I practically jumped out of the car, Phil right behind. My eyes scanned through the square. Two kids and an adult were leaving, there was an elderly couple and a few business looking people there, but no (y/n).

"Did she leave?!" I asked, looking around.

"We are an hour late, she might've," Phil replied and I headed further into the square. Of course, she should've left a half an hour ago. I glanced around and then to the fountain in the middle. The water was running but through it on the opposite side I could see a girl walking away. Her hands were gripped around the strap of her purse and her head was down.

That was her.

"(Y/n)!" I yelled and over the sound of the fountain she must've not heard me. "(Y/n)!!" The girl paused and turned, looking towards us. Her face turned to a huge grin.

That was definitely her.

Stay awesome!


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