Getting Over You

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Holy shit." I surveyed the room for a moment, looking at the tidiness of it all juxtaposed with the mess of rose petals on the floor. Adam was stood there with the rest of the bouquet, his cheeks matching the petals. "What is all this?"

"I uh--" his eyes flitted over to Dan for a moment who had been backing away into the shadows. "I just-- I felt really bad, and I know you've been trying to plan more time together and I've been less than helpful. I just wanted to say I was sorry, and I hope you aren't too mad at me."

"W-were you just standing in my living room until I came back?" He nodded and I smiled.


I whipped my head around to Dan who was practically pushed up against the door. We met eyes for a moment and he smiled awkwardly. I turned back to Adam.

"I forgive you, I really appreciate the gesture," I said.

"Yeah, I'll just--" Dan reached for the doorknob and I turned back.

"Wait you don't want coff--"

"Nope thanks bye (y/n)!!" He called, closing the door behind him. I frowned. I turned back to Adam with an embarrassed look.

"I-- he's awkward," I said. "But then again so am I."

"So, you forgive me?"

"Of course!"

Wait. Wasn't I supposed to break up with him? I glanced at him. Well, the whole basis of breaking up was no time and now he wants to make an effort. So. I guess not? He smiled and gave me a kiss before stooping to pick up the petals which I joined him.

Dan's POV

I let out a breath, and headed down the stairs, my head and my heart in my hands. I rubbed roughly along my temples and stepped outside, my breath fogging. I shoved my sweaty hands in my pockets, dragging my shoulders forwards and letting a fog escape my reddened lips.

Of course.

All hope sucked from my body made it hard to feel my feet firmly planted in the ground. It felt like my feet were tripping over each other, both light and heavy at the same time. I had felt such faith in my chances when she had mentioned ending things with Adam. But there was definitely no way that would happen now. I sniffled from the cold and the breeze snuck in the little spots in my jacket that weren't pressed along my body making me shiver.

I stopped inside a coffee place, seeing as there was no way of having coffee at (y/n)'s now. I was handed a warm mug and I hunched in my chair, elbows pressed into the table like they were planted there forever. I sniffled again and my face warmed abnormally fast from the change in temperature though I knew the skin was cold to the touch.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration and held in the urge to scream. It was like high school all over again. Constantly in the worst spot, watching (y/n) from miles away. The corners of my mouth sank into a frown. We had been talking about the Christmas after she left, and I remember it clear as day, so specific it could've been classified as an emotion itself.

I remember bundling up in a jacket per my mother's request and heading out into the foot of snow. I remember trudging past her house and thinking her mom was in there all alone, my ears reddening with anger at the fact she left. I remember how chapped my lips had been, the memory of kissing her right before she announced her departure peeling off with the cold. I remember that was all I could think about. I remember arriving and feeling out of place. I remember the worst Christmas I had ever had being marked in my brain that winter season.

I took a scalding sip and ignored the scorching coffee down my throat. My order was wrong. I thought I had gotten over her, moving in with Phil and continuing YouTube though I knew my mother disapproved. She never seemed to accept things the way they were. YouTube and meeting new people, making myself a new life. I hardly ever thought about her anymore. I thought I had gotten out scratch free.

I shut my eyes.

I'm just meant to spend my entire life getting over her.

I stood up, returning my mug and heading home in the dark. When I arrived home Phil was on the couch. He looked over at me shedding my jacket and shoes.


He sensed something was the matter.

"(Y/n) was going to break up with Adam, but I guess that's not the plan anymore," I said. Sure it was the first time really mentioning my rekindled feelings for my high school crush to Phil, but he had to have figured out by now.

"What? She was going to break up with him?"

"But she invited me in for coffee and he was there with roses and an apology."

"And you're upset..." he trailed off, hinting for me to continue.

"Because I think I'm still in love with her that's why," I said, collapsing in my chair.

"You were in love with her in high school, like...actually in love?" He asked, pausing the TV.

"What, did you not believe me?"

"I mean, I knew you liked her, but I never thought...why didn't you do anything?"

"I ask myself the same."

"Dan this is bad."

"Yeah, I know."

"If she's still dating him you can't do anything."

"I know, that's why I'm like this," I said, gesturing to my poor posture and tired looking face.

"What prompted this?"

"Nothing needs to, I've always loved her, I just repressed it for so long while she was gone," I said, my voice quiet and Phil paused, a sympathetic look on his face.

"So we're back in high school," he said and I nodded. He frowned. "At least you don't have shitty hair." I looked over at him and sighed.

"That's a fair point." He smiled slightly. "You had shittier hair."

"I did not!"

"Yes, you totally did."



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