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(Y/n)'s POV

"Oh my god, it's so weird seeing you here! Are you a YouTuber now?"

"Wha-- no I came with Dan and Phil," I said, tapping my foot anxiously. I wanted to go talk to Dan now.

"Oh, last I heard was you three split," he said. "Well not Dan and Phil obviously, but they split from you."

"Yes well that's all taken care of now," I said, trying to peer over his shoulder.

"Honestly it's so good to see you," he said, hugging me.

Where is the consent?! I don't have time for this!!

"Mmhmm," I replied.

"I honestly can't believe we used to date, you look great," he said, smiling at me.

"Look, I need to go, so can we talk later?!"

"Can I get your number? So we can talk?"

"Uh yeah gimme," I said, scrambling for his phone to type in my number. "Bye."

I ran off leaving him confused and I dove into the sea of YouTubers. I glanced around looking for Dan. It shouldn't be this hard! He's like 6'3".

I glanced around, but he was no where to be found.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath. I spotted Phil and ran over, lucky I didn't wear heels tonight. "Phil!!"

"Woah, woah, why are you so out of breath what's happening??" He asked, turning his attention away from Zoe for a moment.

"Where's...Dan..." I said, panting.

"Outside why?"

"I'll tell you later, thanks!" I said, taking off again. I felt such the urge to just tackle Dan right now.

God I loved him.

I ran to the door, pushing it open, but I paused.

I love him.

Holy shit.

I pushed open the door looking around for him. He looked up from where he was sat on the step.

"Hey what's u--"


He paused.


"The morning I left for New York, you were mad at me, but did you come to say goodbye?" He paused again.

"Yes I did."

"And you missed me, I left before you caught me?"

"Yes." I watched him swallow.

"You ran all the way to my house, and then didn't even call me?" I asked.


"Why didn't you just call? I thought you were mad at me, and we were both miserable, why didn't you just call to say goodbye?"

"I-- I just didn't." I walked over to sit down on the step next to him. There's something he wasn't telling me.

"Things might've been different, I can't believe you actually wanted to say goodbye. I wish you had called."

"I don't."

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

"The only reason I didn't call you, was because I couldn't say goodbye how I wanted to over the phone or over FaceTime. We deserved a proper goodbye. And I like how everything turned out. Sure we could've called everyday or whatever, but finding you again was so exciting, and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything."

"Do it."

"Do what?"

"Say your goodbye."

"But you're not leaving."

"I know, it's just I never gave you the chance to, so here it is," I said. He paused for a moment. He took off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders, taking my hands.

"I'm not mad you're leaving. I'm not mad you left. And I know you'll think I am, that's just who you are, and most people would find it annoying, but that just means you care, which honestly makes me so happy. I'll miss you, and I did, it was the worst without you. I quit drama club after you left, it just wasn't the same. Every Christmas I'd think it was your favorite holiday. I'm embarrassed. I even lit candles on a cupcake on the birthday while you were gone. And I wished you'd come back. So here's my proper goodbye, how many years late, but there's just some things you can't say over the phone." His eyes were watering slightly, and I felt his grip on my hands tighten slightly. I watched his lips move as he talked, and I felt myself build up the courage to finally so it. I'm going to do it. "I'm such an idiot aren't I--"

I cut him off, pressing my lips to his for a moment before he gripped his own jacket which was draped over my shoulders, dragging me into his body warmth. I placed my hands on his chest and we shared that moment we should've shared when we were 17 year old idiots. I pulled back, pressing my lips together.

"I think we've waited way too long for that."

"Worth it."

"Thank you for the goodbye," I said, kissing him again.

"Thanks for listening."

"So, did you really light candles for my birthday?" I asked, taking his hand.

"Maybe," he replied with a cheeky grin. I placed my head on his shoulder.

"Does this make us girlfriend and boyfriend now?"

"Well we've clearly waited long enough, I mean, come on now. Besides that's such a high schooler thing to say," he said.

"Oh ho, you're one to talk mister," I replied and he kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah, yeah, but to answer your question, if you feel the same way."

"Considering I had the balls and kissed you, I'm pretty sure I feel the same way," I replied.

"I love you."

I paused, my face flushed.

"I love you too."

"Can we go inside? It's fucking freezing out here."

"You could of just asked for your jacket back."

"What kind of gentleman is that?!"

"Okay okay? Let's go."

"Please, my nipples could cut glass."

"Okay just because I'm your girlfriend now doesn't mean I need to know that."

"Oh yeah. Wait you're my girlfriend now, want to hold hands in the cafeteria and go to prom with me?"

"Oh most definitely."

"Yes!" I smiled and gently nudged him before he held open the door for me. "Wait you never had prom."

"Well, I went the the New York one, but left about 20 minutes in because a guy almost puked on me," I said.

"Okay so...we'll go to our own prom, and I won't puke on you," he replied.

"How generous," I said, leaning up to kiss him.

"That's just who I am."


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