Part 5! Chapter 5

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Riley's POV

I heard Piper scream and I started to run.

"Piper!" I screamed. I found her and Jason. Piper was sprawled out on the ground, her ankle bent funny. I knelt beside her and brought some abrosia and nectar out of my backpack. She ate as much as we dared to give her.

"Better go find Leo." Jason said. They both looked at me.

"What?" I asked. Jason left and then we heard something.

"AHHHHHH!" It was Jason.

"Jason!" Piper screamed and tried to get up. I loaded my bow. Suddenly 2 figures came through the shadows. One spoke in Jason's voice. The other spoke in Leo's. But they were too tall. They were cyclops.

"Had to be cyclops." I muttered.

"What?" Piper said. I stood over her.

"Riley it's ok." The cyclops said. I aimed and shot 3 arrows at a time. They sprouted out of the cyclops's eye. I shot again and again until my quiver was half empty. I drew Harpe and went to stab one in the foot, but it swooped it's hand down. I tried to jump out of the way but these cyclops's were quick. The other one picked up Piper. They carried us to a huge fire. Jason was tied upside down, a huge wound on his head. He looked unconcious. They tied us up and prepared a spit.

"We need to get down." Piper whispered.

"Still have your knife?" I asked. She nodded. "Try and get it. I have a plan, just don't look at me." She nodded and I slipped out of the ropes. The Stoll brothers had shown he how to get out of situations like this. I thought I could untie my feet by getting my fake one off. I rolled up my pant leg. I undid all the straps and freed my fake leg. I undid my other leg and held onto the rope.

"Please let me land on one foot." I prayed quietly and dropped 20 feet. I landed on my knee and my 'stub' helped me balance. I quickly put on my leg again and crawled over to where Piper's, Jason's and my backpacks were. My bow, quiver and sword were there too. I grabbed my weapons first.

"Hey stupids!" I yelled and shot some arrows. They hit their marks and the cyclops turned, growling. That night in Brooklyn flashed before my eyes but I wasn't a terrified 5 year old anymore. One cyclops had been sent to get salsa while the other charged me. I shouldered my bow and got Harpe. Piper was now trying to cut the ropes. I slashed and perried. I managed to turn one to dust but it was already starting to reform.

"You killed my son? Ma Gasket will destory you!" She bellowed. She started to run at me when a machine whirred to life. The other cyclops who was getting salsa was smashed to dust.

"I destroy you!" Ma Gasket yelled. She turned to the machine and I saw Leo jump out before she flattened it.

"Son of Hepheatus." Ma Gasket growled.

"You got me." Leo said. He had a hammer in his hand. Ma Gasket seemed to notice that too.

"Ha! That cannot kill me! Nothing can!" She bragged. Suddenly a warm glow appeared over Leo's face. His hand was on fire. It hadn't been a torch in his hand. He shot the flames upward towards a chain holding a huge motor engine above Ma Gasket.

"Haha you missed!" She gloated.

"I wouldn't be so smug." Leo pointed at the engine as the chain snapped and crushed the cyclops.

"Are you ok?" He asked me, he looked really worried.

"No I'm fine. Thanks for coming." I smiled and he returned it. We freed Jason and Piper jumped down. Her ankle seemed alot better. The 4 of us headed outside and Festus rose into the dark sky.

Leo's POV

Jason and Piper crashed and that gave me time to talk to Riley. She had sat in front of me and was looking down at the city. A light snow started to fall and she shivered.

"I hate cyclops." She muttered.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's a long story." Riley said, her eyes followed a car on the street below.

"I have time." I said. She told me about Thailia Grace, Luke Castellian and Annabeth. How they had battled a cyclops in Brooklyn. She was only 5 and scared out of her mind.

"Why were you fighting monsters when you were 5?" I asked.

"My mom was a drunk fuck." She said. "I tried to keep us alive, moving lawn and shovelling driveways. One day she broke into my funds to buy alcohol and we had a fight. She slapped me and her ring cut me right here." She showed me a scar on her temple. "So I left. I spent a couple weeks on my own when I found Thailia and Luke. Then we found Annabeth. She was 7." I chuckled trying to picture a 7 year old Annabeth. "We outran monsters and found this cyclops. He tricked us into coming into a maze and copied our voices. Luke thought he heard Thailia yell. Thailia heard Annabeth scream and I heard Luke yelling. We almost died and Thailia hurt her ankle. Luke took us to his house, his mom took care of us and then we met Grover a satyr. Well that stop was a mistake. The monsters who we had lost caught up with us. We were almost to camp. I turned and stabbed the cyclops in the foot. He got angry and swung his club. Thailia protected me but got his by it. She was gonna die when her dad Zeus, turned her into a tree. Then we found the golden fleece and it brought her back to life. Now she's a hunter of Artemis." She took a breath.

"What about your mom?" I asked. She fiddled with her knife.

"She's dead." She choked back a sob.

"So's mine." I said.

"If you don't wanna talk about it that's fine but what happened?" I bit my lip.

"It was my fault really. The dirt lady was there. Well she locked the door and I got mad. I kinda burned down the machine shop."

"Leo." She said. She had turned around to face me. I thought she was gonna apologise to me, but she sighed and looked at me.

"If I ever meet this dirt woman I will punch her in the face for you." I gave her a weak smile.

"I'd pay to see that." She laughed. She looked really pretty, the snowflakes in her hair, her green eyes shimmered and her lips. Oh gods her lips were a pretty pink. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I mentally slapped myself.

'Shut up Leo.' I thought.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that? The only guy I've ever seen look at me like that was..." She trailed.

"Nico?" She bit her lip.

"Yeah. How do you know?" She asked.

"Jake told me." I explained.

"Oh." Suddenly a slow song began to play out of no where.

"What the fuck?" Riley said.

"Festus!" I shook my head. "I didn't know he could to that." She laughed. Then paused.

"Hey. I know this song." She said then started to sing.

"Never mind I'll find, someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you too. Don't forget me, I'll be, I'll remember you say."

"You're really good." I said and she blushed.

"I wanted to be a professional singer every since I got to camp. I guess I can't even do that." She said sadly. I held her hand. She shivered again and I realized the light snowfall had turned into a blizzard.

"It's cold." She was wearing only a tshirt and jeans. I wrapped my arms around her.

"We should land." She said. "It's getting cold, we shouldn't be traveling in this weather and I don't think Festus likes this." He snorted in agreement. We had been flying almost all day and it was getting dark. Most of the houses were dark except for a department store. We landed Festus on the roof and headed in.

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