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'You are like the sun to me, Sirius. You are the light and warmth in my life!'

'This also means if you get too close to me, you'll die!'

Sirius blinked several times before his hazy vision could be replaced with the clear view of the ceiling of his room, at the Potter's cottage. He turned his head only to feel it throbbing with a heavy pain, as if someone was taking a hammer to his skull but from the inside.

He groaned in a quiet voice. He knew that he had spent the previous night drinking heavily and he had no idea how he had ended up at James' house. This was quiet unusual as normally, when he woke up after such nights, he would actually have no idea where he was.

He tried to sit upright but to his surprise, his entire body ached. He could even feel the pain in his jaws and cheeks. He somehow managed to sit up and looked around.

James Potter was sleeping on a bed adjacent to him, his closed eyes facing him with glasses askew.

Sirius couldn't help but smile. The days they had spent at the Potter manor immediately flashed through his mind. The way he was asleep, he was sure that James had spent a lot of time staring at him as he dozed off. This was a not an uncommon occurrence.

He pulled the sheets aside and gingerly got on to his feet. Judging from how his body ached, he suspected that he had gotten in to some kind of fight. The poor bloke was probably worse than him now.

He went towards James' bed and sat at the foot of it. He reached out and proceeded to straighten the glasses on James' face. He had meant to do it discreetly but his movements were sluggish and he ended up ramming the glasses against James' face.

James woke up with a start and stared at an equally startled Sirius, as for a moment, they were incapable of forming words with their mouths.

Eventually, Sirius broke the awkwardness.

"Hey there, Prongs! Did I wake you up?"

James grunted slightly as he too, pulled the sheets off him and sat upright, his back resting against the head of the bed.

"Not at all, Padfoot. Not at all!"

Once again the two of them were rendered incapable of forming words simply because none of them knew what to say.

This time it was Lily who broke the silence.She entered the room with a laundry basket in one hand and wand in another but stopped short at the sight in front of her.

"Not one night in and you are already sharing my husband's bed. I am scandalized!" she said, smirking slightly.

This kind of brought them to their senses. Sirius stood up and started searching for something. James got out of his bed and moved towards Lily.

"Morning, love," he said as they shared a kiss. This surprised Lily for it had been a very long time since James had done that. They turned their gazes on Sirius who, wearing only his boxers was still vehemently searching for something.

"Um, Padfoot," called James.

He did not seem to hear.

James tried again. "Padfoot!"

This time he looked up. "What?"

"You looking for something?"

Sirius nodded. "Yeah. My shirt," he replied.

"Oh well, I'll help you then," said James as he too turned some clothes on the side to look for Sirius' shirt.

Lily rolled her eyes. They could be such children at times.

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