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Klaus Mikaelson was always known as a force to be reckoned with. Someone who protected the ones he loved fiercely and destroyed anyone who crossed him. New Orleans would always be his home, but it was one he hadn't live in for such a long time. Memories always scattered his brain when he walked the streets of his town, but some were securely hidden away.

Klaus walked the streets of New Orleans to see the witches, hearing of them planning something that had to do with him. Despite his reasoning, it felt really good for him to be home. Stepping back into the place he'd called home so many centuries ago was comforting and powerful, like he was back to his kingdom.

Upon passing down once street, his feet went to an immediate stop. Like a force field hit him to stop in front of a store. Not just any store, a shop that he hadn't seen in decades. For a second he was confused.

How had he forgotten about such a small but significant place to him. And from the looks of it, it was still open for business after all these years. With slight hesitation, Klaus took a leap of faith and pushed the door open.

Inside was a middle aged woman, well into her 60's, stood behind the counter of the shop. Soft jazz music played through the store and a bell sounded over the door as Klaus entered the shop. Taking it all in, he realized it looked almost identical as it was years ago.

The woman smiled at him, something in her eyes as she looked at him longer. "Hello, sir." Klaus looked at the woman, giving her a slight nod and a small smile before turning away, becoming more invested in the shop.

He wandered, his fingers gliding against the records that laid in old and new covers, the shelving looking almost new to what it was. His fingers stopped on a specific record. His fingers pulled it out, resting it gently on his arm to see various jazz songs along the back.

He smiled, seeing the faint pencil marks in the corner. Something as missing though. He couldn't believe he'd ever forget such a place that he held in his heart, but something so important to this store was missing.

Klaus put the record back, walking around more till he was at the back of the shop where a corner of records and a small box laid. Something told a Klaus that the box wasn't just for sitting or standing on. Klaus' hand brushed over the box, finding the latch behind it and lifting it open.

He wasn't really invading privacy, he was just searching. And something in him told him to open the box. Upon opening it. Klaus didn't know what it was at first. He saw many, many polaroid pictures. It wasn't until he picked one up and looked closely that his throat closed up and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

Turning it over, he saw small writing on the back.

My love. 1939.

The picture showed Klaus, sitting at a table and smiling up at a woman who's face was almost covered by her hair. You could tell she was smiling, simply overjoyed in the moment. She sat upon his lap for the photo and an arm wrapped around his shoulders and a hand placed on his cheek.

Klaus knew exactly who this was, and he knew exactly why this place was so memorable. This shop was where he met the girl he loved, someone he unconditionally loved.

Sedona Gracen.

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