chapter one

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May 13th, 1939

Klaus always loved music, whether it be live or from a record, he could listen to it all day. Upon moving back to New Orleans for the first time in a long time, he was welcomed with the overwhelming sound of music in the streets.

New Orleans was known for its parades and music, never a soundless night in the streets of the beautiful place it was. Lights and people surrounded as Klaus walked, smiling at the joy ness of the world he was in right now. Despite his mean demeanour, Klaus couldn't help but have a soft shop for New Orleans and it's people.

The nights were never a bore, there was always something to do in the night. Whether it be dancing, singing, eating, walking, and even listening, you were always doing something until you decided to sleep.

Klaus arrived at his destination, a record shop just a few streets down from his home. His siblings were off doing something on their own. This record shop was one of his favourite places. He found it long ago before he had to leave New Orleans.

The music in the shop was never limited, always stocked with new and old songs far back as the first record made. Coming into the store, a man stood behind the small counter. His glasses lowered as he read something that his fingers passed by quickly.

"Good evening." Klaus offered a greeting, surprising the man slightly. The man nodded with a nervous smile before looking back down. Klaus wandered his way through the shelves, his fingers running against the backs of record covers and pulled a few to see the titles.

It wasn't until he turned the corner to the next aisle that he realized someone else was inside the store as well.

She stood, hair pinned onto of her head and away from her face. Besides the few pieces too short to be pushed away, along with the bangs covering her forehead. There was a small smile placed on her lips as she read through the songs of the record, looking pleased with her finding. She wore a simple dress, nothing too flashy like most of the woman in New Orleans.

Klaus wanted to speak, something witty about the music or something, but he couldn't find the words. "Sorry, am I in your way?" Her voice was soft when spoken, her accent attached to each word she said.

Klaus blinked, seeming shocked she noticed him and not his staring in her direction. She moved to the shelve by her back to create more space. "I get so invested in the music, sometimes I don't even realize I'm standing in a public place."

She smiled nervously to herself, seeming embarrassed that she'd said that. Klaus smirked, walking passed her slowly, looking at the records once more.

"I know what you mean. I can get lost for hours in the sound of music." Klaus said, easing her obvious embarrassment with agreement. "Something about it makes you go to a different world and away from your problems." The woman nodded, stepping back into the aisle. She walked a bit closer to Klaus, curious.

"What's your favourite genre? I love Jazz." Klaus rose an eyebrow, seeming a bit surprised. She caught his look, blushing slightly. "Don't judge it, it's a beautiful expression of music." Klaus wore an amused expression as she defended. "I'm not judging, simply surprised that it's your choice of music."

"Do I not seem like someone who'd enjoy jazz?" She was teasing, but there was a hint of offence.

"The opposite. You seem like just the person to listen to such music." Klaus pulled a record from the self, seeing her looking at him from the corner of his eye. She just shook her head and out the record in her hands back, retreating farther down the aisle.

"Let me guess; you're a country music kind of guy." She assumed. Klaus chuckled, facing her again. Every time he looked at her he couldn't help but stare at her beauty, though speaking with her helped distract him from stumbling over his words. "Trust me, love. If there's one genre I could live without, it's country."

He watched her blush, though he wasn't sure what he'd said to provoke it. He finally found a record he wanted, returning to the counter to pay for it. Normally he'd compel them to get it for free, but there was someone else in the shop. Then he had a thought. He turned to the guy behind the counter and put a hand on his shoulder and stared into his eyes.

"The beautiful woman behind me is not going to pay for her record, or anything else she chooses from this store. Anything she wants is for free. No question." Klaus spoke low before paying for his record. Stepping aside he gave one last smile to the woman, who waved with a smile as the door closed.

There was a pounding in Klaus' chest, his heart beating a mile a minute. It was then he'd forgotten to ask for her name, for he was too caught up in their conversation. If she lived in New Orleans then he would see her again, he needed to.


Woooo! Second story in the works! Thank you again @-voidKlaus_ for letting me write one of your plots again, they're just really amazing. Hope you guys enjoy this story as much as the last :) a short first chapter but they will be longer :)

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