chapter two

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May 25th, 1939

Klaus didn't want to admit the amount of times he'd been to the record shop in hopes that the woman would be there, but each time with no luck. It upset him slightly, knowing the city was huge but he was always able to track people down. But not her.

Not without a name, only a face embedded in his mind that he could not shake. He'd kept the night at the record shop a secret from his family, not willing to tell them something that could easily just be a passing in the night.

Klaus spotted the record shop across the street, sighing as he knew she was probably somewhere else in the world. This girl who so endearingly loved Jazz music.

The door of the shop opened and stepped out...her. Her face was so easily recognizable. Her hair was down, flowing past her shoulders, a simple dress held by her shoulders. Klaus felt himself smile, getting up from his place and began to walk over.

He sped himself in front of her as she looked down at her record and they bumped into each other. Klaus caught her arms lightly, her expression surprised and instantly embarrassed as she saw who it was.

"I'm so sorry I-- oh, it's you." She realized, a faint smile coming to her lips. Klaus nodded, letting his hand fall away from her bare arms.

"It's you, the jazz obsessed woman." She rolled her eyes playfully, blushes when she saw in fact she was carrying another record of many jazz songs. "I can never get enough, it's the only good thing to listen to."

Klaus caught himself staring still. He was in awe. How couldn't he? The woman in front of him was beautiful. He cleared his throat, "I dont believe I got to introduce myself the other day. Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson." Sticking his hand towards her, she let her hand fall into his and watched it brought to his lips, touching her skin for a quick moment.

She blushed profusely, not able to stop herself. "Sedona. Sedona Gracen. Pleasure to meet you." Klaus smirked, letting her hand go and gesturing to the streets. "Walk with me, Sedona Gracen."

Her name rolled off his tongue smoothly, making him feel satisfied at finally knowing her name. Together they walked, passing other couples and family's as the sun began to go down. "Are you from around here?" Klaus asks, curious.

"I am, recently moved back a few months ago. My family is indecisive on where to live. We always come back." Sedona replies, pushing hair behind her ear.

"My family has been here for generations. We may leave but we always come back. We're never far." Klaus saw the pier coming to view, stopping at the edge to see the water flowing against itself and the barriers holding everything up.

"I love the pier, the sunset is always the prettiest." Sedona comments, smiling at the disappearing sun.

Klaus watched the sun go down, the golden glow of the sun fading as the sky began to change colors. He realized he should return home, turning to Sedona. "I must go now, but I'd love to see you again."

Sedona smiled. "I'd like that. How about the record shop? Tomorrow at three?" Klaus nodded, grabbing her hand and kissing the top again, letting it linger for just a moment longer.

"Until then."


Sedona could barely hold back her smitten smile as she practically bounced down the stairs to the main floor of her home.

Klaus Mikaelson, a handsome man with good taste in music. Not to mention one that could bring her to her knees with a single smile. She couldn't stop thinking of the man she'd met at the record shop.

Her mother saw her uplifted mood, though it was always cheerful. She didn't ask though, knowing she'd make an excuse about music or a book. She'd never admit a man was in the picture. So she watched her daughter pass by with a smile so bright and out the door.

Sedona toned down her happiness when she reached closer to the record shop. Entering, the man behind the desk gave her nothing but a glance as he knew who exactly it was entering the shop. Sedona still gave him a smile, walking to the back of the shop.

Klaus sat on a small box, a book in hand as he waited. His eyebrows scruched together as he focused on the words. Sedona couldn't help but stare for a moment. Was that what she did when she focused so hard on something? Who knew.

"What are you reading?" Sedona's voice stunned Klaus, causing him to almost drop the book. None the less he smiled, closing the book and completely losing his page. "Nothing of importance, only to pass the time until your arrival." His lips touched the back of her hand a tad longer than yesterday, not failing to make her smile grow.

"Shall we grab a bite to eat?" Sedona suggests, hoping Klaus couldn't hear the rumble of her stomach for food. She couldn't keep anything down because of her excitement. Klaus smiled, a glimmer in his eyes as he stood up and offered his arm to her.

Together they crossed the street towards Cafe Du Monde, a well known cafe that managed to attract the public with their fresh baked pastries that always had Sedona swooning. Klaus held the door open as Sedona breathed in the smell of the coffee that sat brewed.

"Hi Mabel." Sedona greeted the older woman with a smile, to which the woman gasped at the sight of the young girl. "My dear Sedona, it's been a whole day since I've seen you." Mabel laughed, it spread a warm feeling through Sedona's heart.

Ever since Sedona was little, she always ordered a hot chocolate with three beignets covered in white powder, their most popular pastry. Mabel had already make her hot chocolate when she notice Klaus behind her. "And who is this?" Klaus stepped forward, bowing his head slightly.

"Klaus Mikaelson." He introduced. Mabel knew exactly who he was, but she wasn't going to ruin the happiness that clearly spread on Sedona's face. She cared too much about her.

"Well, Klaus Mikaelson, what will you have?"


A laugh escaped Klaus' mouth as Sedona wiped the powder from her nose after she'd taken a bite. She took a napkin and wiped it away, smiling brightly.

"Where's one place you'd like to go? Anywhere in the world?" Klaus asks suddenly. Sedona didnt have to think twice.

"Paris. Clichè, but it seems like such a beautiful place." Sedona sighed. "If I were to go, I would go see the Eiffel Tiwer of couse. Go to the very top at night to see the stars."

Klaus smiled. "It is a beautiful place. I'll take you next time I go." He promised, making Sedona giggle.

"I will hold you to that promise." Sedona said with a pointed finger in his direction. A warm glow entered the cafe as the day slowly came to another end, lighting up her face in a way that could only force Klaus not to sigh.

Finishing, the two rose and bid farewell to Mabel before walking out of the cafe. The two walked down the streets, a comfortable silence between the two as Klaus suddenly turned to her. "I know this may be too forward, but I have truly enjoyed today." Sedona shook her head, tucking hair behind both her ears.

"I enjoy myself as well." Klaus smiled lightly. "I'm afraid I have to leave. Shall I see you tomorrow?" Sedona nodded, taking the bold action to stand on her toes and lean forward, placing her lips on his cheek in a quick action.

"Until tomorrow." She turned on her heel and began walking away, not before turned to see him looking at her with a blushed expression.

He couldn't help but be totally smitten with her.


Ok wow that took way too long to update and im still not satisfied with it, but i need to update it. Im sorry for not being super active with my stories, i promise i will soon.

thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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