2; Where it all started

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*Skip to lacrosse practice*

School was pretty boring if you ask me but Scott and Stiles made it bearable. Thank god it's over, the only thing I look forward to is lacrosse practice. You can't blame me! Watching a bunch of hot and shirtless guys run across the field is literally the highlight of my day.

"Arden! Over here!"

I look up to see Malia waving for me to come over their, accompanied by Kira and Lydia.

I walk up over to them on the bleachers, the boys practice just started 15 min ago.

"Hey Malia, Lydia, Kira" I say taking a seat by them.

They all say hey aside form Lydia who was staring intently at the players on the field.

"You okay Lyds?" Kira asks.

"Yea yea..."

We all let out a little laugh. "Who are you even staring at?" I ask looking over the boys, but one of them immediately catches my eye.

"Number 9." Malia says.

Number 9 was Liam. And dang was he good. Right now he was in goal and caught every ball thrown at him. Literally. Every. Ball. Even Scott's!

"Great job Dunbar! Thats how you get it done!" Coach Finstock yelled.

Later on the boys were all taking shots at the un guarded pole for practice. Some boys made it, some boys didn't...like Scott's and Stiles. I could smell the anger and jealousy radiating off both of them.But yet again, Liam did extremely well. He made every shot in the goal.

Liam turned his head and caught my gaze. And he... winked?! I felt my self blushing as I fixed my stare onto Stiles and Scott who were giving me weird looks. I ignored it of course but throughout the practcie I would sometimes catch Liam looking at me.

I couldnt help but think what if he's supernatural? Wait... he couldn't be, I would of caught his scent.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the coach yelled. " McCall! Stillinski! Your on defense!"

I watched as Scott and Stiles took their positions.

Each boy ran and tried to get the ball in the goal but failed miserbley.

"Yes! That's how it's done! Those two are like sons to me!" Finstock yelled.

I couldn't help but smile at his comment.

Now it was Liam's turn.

He easily dodged Stiles and Scott and shot the ball right in the goal.

What?! How did he get past Scott? Stiles I understand, but Scott...

And Malia definitely didn't like that the new guy was doing so good, making her beloved boyfriend look stupid. Like he already doesn't do that him self...

"I call a due over!" She yelled.

"Sweet heart this is lacrosse practice there's no "due overs"" The coach laughed.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!"

Wow, this girl was really determined.

"Malia, what are you-" I was immediatley interrupted by Finstock.

"Deal! Liam, get back in their!" He yelled.

He reeked of anxiety when he got back to his position. I mean who could blame him? A sophomore going up against two juniors?

When the coach blew the whistle Liam swiftly dodged Stiles, no surprise there.
But when he reached Scott I knew something bad was gonna happen.

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