4; Kidnapped?

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"Oh my gosh, what the hell happened to her?"


"Shh! Your gonna wake her up!"

"You better tell me what happened Scott."

"Uh she kinda passed out...Sean bit her and she blacked out from the loss of  blood, she's okay of course...Just kinda resting.Her weerwolf abilities healed her."

"At least she's fine. Now, what about Liam...What happened with him?"

"Uhh...I-I kinda bit him..."

"You what?!"

I started to get my vision back and I moved around a bit.

"Look shes awake!"

"Arden...you okay?"

I looked up to see a very worried and Stiles and Scott hovering over me.

"Yea, I'm fine...where's Liam?" I asked, worridness laced in my voice.

"Um, laying down." Scott shrugged.

Stiles rolled his eyes as I glared at Scott.

"Where." I growled.


We all stood there in the bathroom, our heads slightly cocked to the side staring down at Liam, who was tied up with duck tape in Scott's bathroom.

"So u kidnapped him?" I asked, still staring at Liam.

"I panicked!" Scott replied.

"Mmmm!Mmm!" Liam squirmed around in the tub.

"Pipe down!" Stiles said harshly, annoyed with the situation already. "This won't end up with us burying peices of his body in the dessert?"

At this Liam started to make more noises. I quickly kneeled down next to him and caressed his cheek.

"Shh. You'll be fine Liam, nothing bad is gonna happen."

I felt as he relaxed under my touch and stopped squirming. His blue eyes staring directly at mine. I took this moment to take in his facial features. He was cute. Really cute. Liams brown hair was spiked up a bit in the front and his eyes were like diamonds, there wasn't a moment they didn't sparkle. I could stare at them all day...

"Okay, come on. Let's get you up." Stiles said.


I was sitting on Scott's bed, watching as the two morons tied up Liam to a chair. I kinda feel bad for him. No kid like him should have to go through this. And it only made me wonder...how would he handle the news?

I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when Stiles started to speak.

"I'm going to take the duck tape of now. If you scream, it goes right back on. But if you talk quietly it stays off. Got it?"

Liam nods his head slowly. And with one swift movement Stiles ripped the tape off his mouth.

"Okay, Liam you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are gonna happen because of the confusing things that happened. Understand?" Stiles says.

"No. Not really..."

"Good.Thats good."

"I'm not even sure if I do..." Scott butts in, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I let out a small laugh and all eyes were turned on me.

"What? Please carry on, this situation is quite amusing." I say.

Mine; Liam Dunbar FanFic Where stories live. Discover now