chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I looked towards August, as she read a text message, she mummbled something, but I don't know what but she clearly said, " I have to dash some where, be back, " she says, I watched her fled our table as she entered the school halls.

I stood up to see where she was going, she turned at a cornor, I ran at the cornor to hide behind it, I know I was acting like a stalker, but I really want to know what's up with her and what that text message was. She grabbed her bag and started to walk in my direction, I dashed out into the mess hall and sat down before she even entered the cafeteria. She walked in and walked at our table and said, " Erm my cousin is driving me to uhh, mm....., dentist opointment, " she said, Tess said, " Good luck, we don't want to see you come out wth dentures tommorow. " August smirked and dahed off, I followed her again. 

" Hey Fred! " I saw her dash at a guy holding out arms to her, then when I got a good look at him, I realized, it was Fred Figglehorn, one of the most popular youtube stars. He wraps his arm around August. He helped her in a black car, I shrugged and I turned around. Then all of a sudden I crashed into Darla, I blushed and helped her up, " Sorry, I didn't mean to crash into you, " I said, she brushed her  skirt. " It's fine, " she walked away. I think im Lovestruck.

I walk i the mess hall andsit down, I stare at Darla, checking her out. Her beautiful long blonde hair compliments her blue eyes. I blush at her sight I melt, Tess intturupts me, " Uh, Harry, are you okay? " I nodded and say, " I think im in love, " Louis nudges me and says, " Who? "  I mummbled, " Darla, " Tess gagged and says, " DAT WHORE AND SLUT? YOUR NASTY HARREH, " I flash a death glare at her. " is not! She is the most beautiful girl in the world. " Tess calls August and chats with her.

She placed it to speaker phone, " Erm, sure I can help, Tess? Hello? " She grinns at me and says, " Yeah I'm here, the boys and I comming over after school kay? Bye! " I looked toward to her direction, " You're lucky that Tess has a friend that can help you with you liking Darla, " Liam said to me, I rolled my eyes.

. . .

 August's POV

I sat on the couch as I flipped through the random channels on the flat screen Masion Installed on my wall.

Adventure time happen to be on, I loved the show! " Adventure time, c'mon grab your friends, We go to places, several lands, Jake the dog and Finn the human. The fun will never end, It's Adventure Time! " I cheerfully say, I was happy, I had a major crush on a cartoon! If I was a cartoon character on adventure time, I would kiss Finn.

Why am I thinking of Finn and this Cartoon? I sighed, " I guess im just a girl who has a Heart that longs for love, l-love for Harry? " I stared at the wall, then I buried my head in a pillow, I stood up, I got a text message, from James.

Yo Augstina, Masion, Ella, Ellana, Delia, Ester, and I want you to come to an awesome party. You in? And we don't mind is you bring some friends.

Sure, Im going to bring 6 friends, be there at 8:00 kay? BTW Is Chester, Dalton, and Eska there? 

Yeah, why, you're planning to do a gig tonight?

I don't know I have to ask them, I mean we still practice together, but I don't know if they're in the mood of playing a song or two? But I'll just come over, be there soon! ~ August

I place my phone in my pocket, I hopped up stairs and decided to change, I changed into this:

A Black Tanktop

Grey SkinnyJeans

Black Pastry shoes

Dark blue cargdian

I hear a ring at the doorbell, I open it and spit out, " Sorry but, I really can't do it tonight, because we're going to my cousin's party, Do not screw this up, this is you're first lesson. do not drink do much. Or else I will cut your balls off Harry. " He puts his hands in the air in deafeat. I rolled my eyes I opened my silverado, everyone got in.

Tess got on the driver's seat. I drove to a club that was only a few blocks away from James' house. I yelled at everyone, " Okay, lets go, and follow me. but when, okay, this party is pretty dark but pretty bright at the same time. Do not start drinking yet, have fun first. " I went up to the sucurity guard, " can you call James AnnaBearr here please? " The guard gets James, " Hey August, you ready to come in with your friends? " I nodded and said, " Just let us in, I want to see Chess, Dalton, and Eska if they're interested to do the thing.. ",- I walk into the crowd of people and I see Dalton, Chess, and Eska just hanging around the bar.

" Hey Peppz, im back! " I suprised them, they were like, " Hey August, " I hugged Dalton, Harry was staring at me, I rolled my eyes, " Hi Gusty, " I blushed and said, " My name isn't gusty, " I shoved him playfully. I hypnotised wsith his beautiful Blonde shaggy straight hair. And his brown eyes. I tumbled over.

Dalton picked me up and said, " Woah are you okay? And plus I was going to text you that I'll be going to evergreen High with you tommorow, " I stummbled again. I blushed right in his face, he closes his eyes and smiles. " You are so adorable when you blush, " He chuckles, I blush even more because im in his arms. I got off him and I just asked to all of them, " Hey, wanna do a gig here for free? " They look at me and Dalton says, " HECK YEAH! BTW we kept your base and our instrument in the back of my car.

We retreived our instruments, I went up to the DJ, He got out 4 AMPs and we hooked our stuff. " YO! PEEPZ! IT'S DJ HAPPI IN DA HOUSE!!! WE HAVE A SPECIAL BAND PERFORMING TONIGHT!! GIVE IT UP FOR FLARE!!!! " The DJ rummbled out of her mouth, Dalton yells in the mic, " Hey everyone out here! This is a song we're going to sing tonight.. " Eventually Dalton started to sing his heart out, after a few standzas I sang a solo part.

Most of the time I strummed my base and putted alot of feeling into it. I saw the crowd stare at me screaming and yelling. A cold chill of stage fright went down my spie but I snapped out of it. I sighed a  couple of times. Then I took a sigh of relief when the song ended, Dalton High fived everyone but me, I was fine with that.

Until a blonde went up to him, then all of a sudden he made out with him, I was shocked I just walked down and exited the club. I just cupped my eyes and sighed, I heard a nice voice speaking to me, " August, " I looked to see who it was, it was Harry. I just drooped my head and he says, " Tell me, what's going on? " I looked into his eyes and sa a spark of..... Hope,

" Erm, the guy who was singing was my ex, he cheated on me recently, but we still are good friends, I guess I still had a thing for him, I guess I ended up like this, " I chuckled in sadness then I cupped my face. He hugs me, for some reason I had the case of butterflies, I knew this feeling when Dalton and I first met. It mean Im falling again, im falling in love again.

I stared at Harry, he smiles at me and says, " Wanna go back inside? " I sniffled, " Yeah, I need to talk to Tess anyway, " We entered the club, James had two chick under his arms, Ella was talking to some bar tender, Masion kissed a girl on the cheek, Ellana was on a table acting like it was horse. Oh my typical cousin are soo funny.

I walk up to tess she was hitch a ride on Niall's back, I was guessing she was drunk and Niall wasn't, because if he was drunk, he would've been on the floor day dreaming about Tess uncensored. I shived and said, " Tess, I need to tell you something important, " she was like, " Whateva! " I dragged her in the ladies restroom. I hear her giggling and laughing, " Niall and I are gunna do it tonight. " she mummbled and I blushed and said, " WHAT THE FU- WAIT NEVERMIND, Erm, Tess do you swear not to tell anyone, " She snapped out of her drunk mode into serious mode, " What? " she asks so desperialtly, I looked at the floor and closed my eyes and said, " I-I think I am in love with Harry, "

She looks at me in shock. A teardrop comes out of my face, I suffer from my love craving for Harry.

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