chapter 4

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Tess' POV

I looked out the window as Niall wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I covered my face. The rain rang off the window, thunder rumbles. Dark clouds surround the sky, I picture August and Harry, chasing each other under the sunlight. Laughter fills the air, Niall and I watched them, But I guess that was just a thought was not comming true.

I hear a doorbell ring, I opened the door. I see Lois, Eleanor, Liam, Danielle, Zayn, Amy, Harry and... Erk, Darla. " Hi, come in, " I tried to say cheerfully, but Harry's appeareance, made my day turn even more depressing. I glared at him, he shoots a confused look back, he just walks to Darla and wraps his arm around her waist. It just makes me want to gag.

I stomped up the stairs, I ran my fingers through my hair and browsed through my contacts. Tears shed out of my eyes, I gritted my teeth, I positivly hated Darla. Especially if she is datting one of my friends, I knew I had to beat the crap out of Harry, every time I see him with Darla. I came down and I went in the kitchen. I wrote something down, I shoved it in my pocket.

I sat next to Niall, Darla was giggling and playing with Harry's curls, " Where's August? " Zayn asks, Darla replied, " She died in a well full of cow crap, " she grinned, Harry laughed and said, " Good one babe, " I snapped at Darla, " Shut your mouth, your stupid prissy little face doesn't fit with this group, "

Lou said, " Up top Tess! " Louis hive fived me, Darla rolled her eyes. I hear a doorbell, Louis gets the door, I see Maison and James, " Erm, can I please speak to Tess? " James ask, I come up to him, " Yes? "

" Have you seen August? "

" Erm, no, "

" We miss our cousin, after the accident, she fled, "

" Oh, "

" Are you sure you haven't seen her? "

" No, but I will look out for her, "

" Thank you, please call us when you see her. "

They hand me a piece of paper, I gripped it.

I closed the door and said," Erm, Louis, can I see you? " I grinned, I took him upstairs and locked the door. I dropped my head and said, " Promise you won't tell anyone, especially Harry, since it's his fault, " Louis look at me so confused and says, " Sure, I can keep a secret, " I gritted and blurted out, " August is no longer here, in Chesire, " He has a shocked look on his face.

" She's in Italy, " I say Louis says, " No wonder why she isn't here.... "


August's POV

I strolled the streets, I had a cast on. I wasn't very happy, in fact, my Stepdad wasn't here, he's on a buisness trip, luckly I had a spare key to his house on me. I took his emergency Debt Card with me, I walked in a small cafe. I sat in an umbrella table, I ordered some coffee, I browsed through my phone, I saw Harry's contact. I held back tears and gritted my teeth, I had 74 missed calls both from Tess and Harry.

"Oww... " as I felt a burning sensation on my leg, it was coffee, I looked up and saw a gentle face. His eyes were connected to mines. I blushed, and he said, " I am so sorry, " I grinned and said, " It's fine, " He handed my a tissue, I gently took it then out hands touched. I looked at the ground, his face turns red and then says, " Erm, would you like to come to a nice little party with me? "

I looked at him and said, " I would love to, since I don't have any plans right now, "  We exchanged phones, he punched his number into my contact list as I did the same, " By the way, my name is Tristen, Tristen Duns, " I smiled and said, " Well my name is August, August Annabearr, " He Pied on my hand, ( A/N: PIE MEANS WHEN A GUY KISSES YOUR HAND, NOT FOOD PIE "3" )

I blushed a little and got up and said, " Erm see you at 8:00? " He nodds I walk out of the Cafe as he waved at me. I strolled around, the smell of Italian bread in th air fills my nose, I stick my tongue out and grinned. I walked on the stone path to my Stepdad's place.

I stepped inside and turned on my dad's laptop. I brought it into my other room, it was a dark purple with red flowers painted on it. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I went on twitter, I saw 60 posts on my twitter account like:

@Augustina_AnnaBearr: Plz come back with us, I miss you ~ Lou

@Augustina_AnnaBearr: Liam, Zayn, Louis, and I miss you, I don't like Darla! ~ Niall

@Augustina_AnnaBearr: I hate Darla, I miss you pal, And I will make sure to beat the crap outta Harry..... ~ Tess

@Tesseroo: What? ~ Harry xxx

@Augustina_AnnaBearr: Look, August, why did you leave, come back. ~ Harry xxx

I fiercely typed back at Harry's mesage:

@Harry_Styles: Thanks for twisting and breaking my heart, even though my heart was already broken and twisted......   ~ August

I sighed flopped on my back, I cried.

@Augustina_AnnaBearr: What did I do wrong?

It beeped I did not reply back, I just slammed the laptopcover and walked outside, and I saw Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Danielle, Eleanor, and Tess. " Erm, " Louis butts in and says, " There you are! " I glanced at them, and when they wern't paying attension, I took a ran for it. " Get her! " Louis said, I ran back in.

Harry's POV

I was strolling around the park, I sighed, I looked at August's Tweet." Thanks for twisting and breaking my heart, even though my heart was already broken and twisted......" the words rang in my mind, I sat on a bench. I looked at Louis' twitter page,

I am at an awesome party with Eleanor, Niall, Tess, Zayn, Liam, Danielle, and August, Images-6.jpg ~ Louis

August seems like she has someone on her mind! Images-2.jpg ~ Louis

I clicked on the picture of August, it showed a girl with aa longsleeved shirt with black shoets on and some black kneesocks sitting next to a window. I touched the picture, then I called Louis,

" Hi Louis, "

" Erm, uh, Hi, Harry, "

" So I heard you were at a party, with the rest of the boys and their Girls and August, "

" yeah, "

" So, can I come? Over to the party, "

" Erm, I don't know, you have to catch a train to get over here, "

" what do you mean train? I can drive there, "

" Erm, that will take longer, "

" Is this party even in Holmes Chapel? Or even Chesire? "

" Look, Harry, this is a party August said we can join her, I asked if you can come over, but she said, you would probably be making out with you're girlfriend instead of hanging with us, "


" But I can tell if I tell her you are not with Darla, she will still be upset, "

" Just let me see her, where is the party? "

" I am not supposed to tell you this because of Tess but...... ERRGGGGHHHH..... Italy, "

" ITALY?! "

" yeah, sorry, if you take the train now, you will arrive in the morning, "

" I just need to talk to her, "

" okay when you arrive, call me, and I will give you the address. "

" Fine..."

I hung up the phone,

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