Chapter 2

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Sierra smelled it long before she saw it. The deer smelled like grass and fresh turned soil. Beneath that was the warm, metallic smell of blood. Leaves crunched beneath her paws as she tried to approach the deer slowly, not wanting to scare it.

Finally the deer came into her line of vision from between two trees. It was at the edge of a clearing, bending down to nibble on the bright green weeds growing near the base of a tree. Before she could get any closer, the deer's head shot up. It could smell her too. The deer's wide brown eyes met hers and froze there for a moment before it bolted into the woods. Sierra tore after it, letting out a roar that startled every animal in a fifty-foot radius out of its hiding place.

Deaf to the scuffle she had caused, Sierra continued in her single-minded pursuit of the deer. She chased it out of the clearing and through the dense trees. It was fast, but not as fast as she was. Trees flashed by as she began to gain on the deer. She realized with no small amount of frustration that while she was faster, the slim frame of the deer was much better able to slip through the trees. It dove through a narrow gap between two trees. Sierra tried in vain to follow, and instead slammed her body into the unyielding tree trunks.

The shock reverberated through her body. Black spots floated across her vision and she crashed to the ground on her back, feeling less like a fearsome black bear and more like a upside down turtle.

As she blinked to clear her vision, she realized Joe was laughing at her again. Sierra resolved to bite him if she could ever get up again. He approached from behind her, out of her line of vision. As he did, his laugher changed from ringing inside her head to his familiar, deep chuckle sounding out loud from human vocal cords. Joe knelt on the grass next to her head. His deep brown eyes swam into view.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

Sierra grunted in response, feeling more embarrassed than actually hurt. Joe stroked the fur around her head.

"You know, you've single handedly scared away every bit of game for ten miles at least with that racket? I hope you weren't too hungry."

She had been hungry. Sierra marveled at her own disappointment. Was this really her? Chasing down prey in bloodthirsty pursuit? She wore suits and high heels, and destroyed people or built them up with words. All her aggression was wielded at the world from a keyboard. And now she was this other thing. Powerful and dangerous. Capable of great feats of strength and violence. How could she reconcile this with the person she had been before? Was she the same person at all?

Joe was still staring into her eyes. Perhaps sensing her distress, he had stopped laughing. Infuriating though he may be, there was nothing but love and reassurance in those eyes. He continued to run his fingers gently through her fur. Sierra lost herself in the sensation, and allowed it to comfort her.

"It's like throwing a switch in your head," Joe told her. "If you want to change back, just tell your body that's what you want to do."

Sierra only hoped it would be so easy. She tried to focus her thoughts on changing back.

"Go on," she told her brain. "Change. Shift. Let's not be a bear anymore."


"Picture your body," Joe instructed her. "Imagine how your hair feels on your shoulders. Remember your long legs. Soft pink lips. Full breasts."

Joe smiled at her wickedly, and now Sierra was imagining her body. She was remembering what that body felt like this morning when it was naked and wrapped up in Joe's. Her "long legs" had been wrapped around him as he had taken her on top of his desk. She'd run her hands through the dark hair on his chest as he moved in her. The pictures on the office walls had rattled. They had got dressed in a hurry and had their clothes back on and hair smoothed out just moments before his secretary returned from lunch.

As she remembered the way Joe made her body feel, her body started to change again. It started with that electric crackle, like before, only this time instead of expanding she felt her body contract. Her bones shrunk down. The fur receded back into her body, leaving smooth, naked skin behind that prickled against the pine needles she was laying on. Joe's hands continued to stroke her fur, until it wasn't fur anymore but her long, blonde hair he was running his fingers through. Sierra lay on the ground shaking with her head in his lap.

Joe leaned over and kissed her lips upside down, his teeth gently nibbling on her lower lip. Still, thinking about this morning, Sierra rolled over and climbed into his lap, straddling him, feeling the heat from his now erect cock pressing into her abdomen.

"How do you feel?" he whispered into her ear.

"Powerful," she responded, and pushed him to the ground.

The Bare Truth part 2Where stories live. Discover now