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Your focus may be too much on what you want to become. Your imagination may not be serving you as you imagine great things, then wake up each day measuring your reality against your imagined life. You could end up feeling small in comparison. Instead, live each step of the journey well. Keep your imagination alive, and see your dreams as your future.

As You Emerge

What happens as you emerge from your own Chrysalis? Do you realize that you have transformed? You see many changes. You know you have grown.

Allowing the World to See You

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Allowing the World to See You

As you emerge, you may sense a pull, leading you to your next steps. It is difficult, after the solitude and quiet of your Chrysalis, to find yourself in the world again. Perhaps you will know your transformation is complete as you observe your new relationship with the world.

You may sense a new purpose, or you may just "be" in the world. Your gift for the world is a unique one. Perhaps, you will stay in solitude. Or, you may engage with the world and be seen.

Remaining true to yourself and centered in your being is essential. All that you have gone through must be honored, and there is no going back.

Try This:

Identify a person (famous or not) who you think is living their purpose. What are your reasons for choosing them?

 What are your reasons for choosing them?

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Freedom Visualization

It is fun to imagine the butterfly's first flight. Its vantage point is completely new...from life as a caterpillar to the cocoon with its silence, darkness and solitude to flight. Wow.

The definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants to without hindrance or restraint. What is the freedom you yearn for? In your yearning is a key to your transformation. Follow that yearning; make your freedom real.

Chrysalis - Personal Transformation from the Inside OutWhere stories live. Discover now