chapter 1

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Clarissa POV

Today is my 16th birthday, again another year of surprises yippy. I jumped out of bed and run out of my room, and ran into my sister amber, she had beautiful golden hair and greens eyes and her skin with slight tan i always thought she was beautiful on the outside but in the inside she was cruel, cold and horrible. She grabbed my shirt and slammed me against the wall and told me "If you EVER run into to me again i swear I’m going to beat you. Now, go some breakfast, I’m starving.’’ ‘As if she never does beat me.’ I thought to myself. “Hurry up, I’m hungry!!” And with that I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. I heard amber laughing behind me and my brother and father snoring. I made bacon and egg tacos, pancakes and French toast. I was starving but my father would beat me if I ate first, he always told to eat the leftovers. My sister and father always eat everything to make sure I did get any food. My brother always to her ‘if you eat too much you going to get fat’

I’ve I forgot my manner?? Yes I have…oops. Any way I’m Clarissa, I’m six-teen years-old. I love to read and write, in other words I’m nerdy. I get A’s in all my classes, I get bullied and pushed around my other kids, almost the whole school besides my best friends, and my brother Aaron he has recently came back after going to a private school, which I’m happy for.

I went upstairs to take a shower for the first and of school, I put my skinny jeans and a baggy top, I look in the mirror I put on my big framed glasses on and put my brown hair in a ponytail with my bangs to the side. My friends always told me I was beautiful but they have never seen my without my glasses and my hair down, but I never believed it. My mom would always tell me I was beautiful and that she loved me. That was until my father had killed her at the age of 6, I saw when he beat and stabbed her to death. He would always blame me for her death so did my sister. I don’t know why I still call them family, the only one I consider as family is my mom and my brother. My brother and sister used to be close but my father convinced them that I killed our mother, I keep telling then it was father who did it amber never believed me.



Clarissa POV

Today is the first day of school, my sister made me walk to school, again. ''Urggg.. I swear I can’t every have decent break feast without people bothering me!'' my bf Desiree said ''god Desi, i came to say hello, no need to yell at me'' ''OHH MYY GODD, i didn’t know that was you I’m sorry Clarissa!!'' Desiree said while giving me a huge hug, crushing me to death. ‘‘Oh-my-god-dee-i-can’t-breathe!'' "Oops, sorry! i got to excited" thank god i can finally breathe, god I could’ve died of being hugged by Desiree within less of a second.

Desiree was still talking while I was annoying her and looking for trey, he’s another one of my close friends along with star and sky, they’re twins. And then I finally spotted trey sitting with the twins. I was about to go over there when Desiree was waving her hand in front of my face. “Uh..Hello?? Were you even listening to me talking??” Desiree said. “nope, what were you saying??” “urgh..Never mind I’ll tell you later...watcha wanna do?”

“Let’s go bug trey.” I said excitedly

“Where is he, I couldn’t find him so I gave up”

“Oh my gosh, the famous Desiree Lewis has given up Omg!!” I said sarcastically

“Shut up retard” Desiree said gently pushing me, both of us laughing while walking to trey and the twins.

“Hey trey where have you been, I’ve been looking for you have you been here this whole time.” Desiree said.

“Nope” trey said while popping the ‘p’.”I’ve just got her ten minutes ago, and you??”Trey said to Desiree

“About 1 hour ago I’ve been looking for you bu-!!”

“Okay?!?!” I said interrupting Desiree from scream at trey. “So, how was your summer? Are you ready from softmore year!!”  Everyone said something all at the same time.

“WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, one at a time. Trey” I said

“Yea!!! She picked me I’m the awesomist!!” trey said.

“trey that not even a word.” I said, he just shrugged. “Anyway so how was your summer…”

 He had smiled and said. “ you went to the beach then, swim , sat, watched TV, sat again sleep, eat then repeat the cycle.” And then smirked and said- “I also spend the horrible husband of my mother’s across the room.” Now he was smiling from ear to ear.

Desiree, Star, and sky smiled because they hated his step father after they heard what he had don’t the first time he meet trey, but I on the other hand knew how much they didn’t like each-other but you don’t just punch him and send him flying across the room like in those retarded action movie were you see the string the pulls them into the wall.

“What did you do this time trey?” I said

“Ahh blaming me again right” he said I was just staring at him with a hurry-up-or-I’m-going-to-kill-you-if-you-don’t  look at him “okay geez, apparently I beat up my mom’s husband, for six years now, and sent him to the hospital, and my mom believe  him so I’m staying at hotel for a little while”

“So, did you beat him up?!?!” I said.

“Yep and nope. He punched me and I punched him back he fall down the stair and hit the floor so now he’s in the hospital!” he said with a smile I was about to say something put the first bell had hung.

“Anyway, Bye guys see you at lunch” I said they all said bye and headed to class

I was walking in the hall way a bumped into something with a blonde head “urghh..who just bumped into me” A all too familiar voice said, ohh no its amber…


 heyy guyy thats clarissa--------->

if you didn't know about who the other picture...that was amber heehee





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